
使用本節中的指令碼,來自動執行遮罩「活動報表」或「存取日誌」中資訊的程序,以遵守隱私法以及 (選擇性) 透過電子郵件將報表傳送給收件者。


您可以使用 anonymizeData.bat 來遮罩活動報表或存取日誌中的資訊,以遵守隱私法以及選擇性透過電子郵件傳送。若要遮罩資訊,請使用 Windows 排程器來排定此指令碼或其變化版本,每天在每個環境的每日維護程序完成之後立即執行。


您需要複製下列程序中提供的 Windows 指令碼來手動建立 anonymizeData.bat,並使用 Windows 排程器來排定它。如果不是使用 Windows 來排定,您可以建立和執行類似的平台適用指令碼。

anonymizeData.bat 是包裝函式指令碼,將會執行您依下列程序所述來建立和更新的 anonymizeData.ps1 指令碼。


  1. 建立名稱為 anonymizeData.bat 的批次 (BAT) 檔案,其包含下列指令碼,並將其儲存在方便的位置,例如,C:\automate_scripts
    @echo off
    set paramRequiredMessage=Syntax: anonymizeData.bat USERNAME PASSWORD/PASSWORD_FILE URL [EMAIL_TO_ADDRESS]
    if "%~1" == "" (
      echo User Name is missing.
      echo %paramRequiredMessage%
      exit /b 1
    if "%~2" == "" (
      echo Password or Password_File is missing.
      echo %paramRequiredMessage%
      exit /b 1
    if "%~3" == "" (
      echo URL is missing.
      echo %paramRequiredMessage%
      exit /b 1
    PowerShell.exe -File anonymizeData.ps1 %*
  2. 建立名稱為 anonymizeData.ps1 的 PowerShell 指令碼 (PS1) 檔案,其包含下列指令碼,並將其儲存在方便的位置,例如,C:\automate_scripts
    # Anonymize data script
    # Generic variables
    $date=$(get-date -f dd_MM_yy_HH_mm_ss)
    $logfile="$logdir/anonymize-data-" + $date + ".log"
    function LogMessage
      echo "$message" >> $logfile
    function EchoAndLogMessage
      echo "$message"
      echo "$message" >> $logfile
    function Init
       $logdirexists=Test-Path $logdir
       if (!($logdirexists)) {
           mkdir $logdir 2>&1 | out-null
       $logfileexists=Test-Path $logfile
       if ($logfileexists) {
           rm $logfile 2>&1 | out-null
       $filelistexists=Test-Path $filelist
       if ($filelistexists) {
           rm $filelist 2>&1 | out-null
    function ProcessCommand
       echo "EPM Automate operation: epmautomate.bat $op" >> $logfile
       if ($op -eq 'listfiles') {
          epmautomate.bat $op | where {$_ -like ' apr/*/access_log.zip'} | Tee-Object -FilePath $filelist | Out-File $logfile -Append 2>&1
        } else {
          epmautomate.bat $op >> $logfile 2>&1
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
               echo "EPM Automate operation failed: epmautomate.bat $op. See $logfile for details."
    function RunEpmAutomateCommands
        EchoAndLogMessage "Running EPM Automate commands to anonymize data in the access logs and activity reports."
        ProcessCommand login $username $password $url
        ProcessCommand listfiles
        ProcessCommand logout
    function ProcessActivityReport
        $activityreportexists=Test-Path "$activityreport"
        if ($activityreportexists) {
            LogMessage "Removing User ID: $user from activity report $activityreport"
            (Get-Content "$activityreport").replace("$user", 'XXXXX') | Set-Content "$activityreport"
            $txt = [io.file]::ReadAllText("$activityreport") -replace "`r`n","`n"
            [io.file]::WriteAllText("$activityreport", $txt)
            #Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | % { $x = get-content -raw -path $activityreport; $x -replace "`r`n","`n" | set-content -path $activityreport }
    function AnonymizeData
        $accesslogupdated=$accesslog + ".tmp"
        $activityreportfile="$datestampdir" + ".html"
        $userArray = @()
        expand-Archive -Path "$path/$accesslogzipped" -DestinationPath $path
        rm $path/$accesslogzipped 2>&1 | out-null
        $accesslogexists=Test-Path "$path/$accesslog"
        if ($accesslogexists) {
            EchoAndLogMessage "Processing access log: $path/$accesslog"
            Get-Content $path/$accesslog | ForEach-Object {
                $elements=[regex]::Split( $_ , ',(?=(?:[^"]|"[^"]*")*$)' )
                if ($date -like 'Date') {
                    echo "$_" >> $path/$accesslogupdated
                } else {
                    if ($user -notlike '-') {
                        LogMessage "Removing instance of User ID: $user from $path/$accesslog."
                        echo "$date,$time,$uri,$duration,$bytes,$ip,XXXXX,$screen,$action,$object" >> $path/$accesslogupdated
                        $userArray += $user
                    } else {
                        echo "$date,$time,$uri,$duration,$bytes,$ip,$user,$screen,$action,$object" >> $path/$accesslogupdated
            #Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | % { $x = get-content -raw -path $path/$accesslogupdated; $x -replace "`r`n","`n" | set-content -path $path/$accesslogupdated }
            $txt = [io.file]::ReadAllText("$path/$accesslogupdated") -replace "`r`n","`n"
            [io.file]::WriteAllText("$path/$accesslogupdated", $txt)
            mv -Force $path/$accesslogupdated $path/$accesslog
            Compress-Archive -Path $path/$accesslog $path/$accesslogzipped
            rm $path/$accesslog 2>&1 | out-null
        EchoAndLogMessage "Processing activity report: $path/$activityreportfile"
        $userArray = $userArray | Select-Object -Unique
        foreach ($element in $userArray) {
            ProcessActivityReport "$path/$activityreportfile" "$element"            
    function ProcessFiles
        # Loop through iteration csv file and parse
        Get-Content $filelist | ForEach-Object {
            $activityreportfile="$datestampdir" + ".html"
            $datestampdirexists=Test-Path "$aprdir/$datestampdir"
            echo "fullpath: $fullpath" >> $logfile
            echo "aprdir: $aprdir, datestampdir: $datestampdir" >> $logfile
            if (!($datestampdirexists)) {
                mkdir "$aprdir/$datestampdir" -ea 0 2>&1 | out-null
                ProcessCommand downloadfile "$accesslog"
                ProcessCommand downloadfile "$activityreport"
                mv "$accesslogfile" "$aprdir/$datestampdir"
                mv "$activityreportfile" "$aprdir/$datestampdir"
                AnonymizeData "$aprdir" "$datestampdir"
                ProcessCommand deletefile "$accesslog"
                ProcessCommand deletefile "$activityreport"
                ProcessCommand uploadfile "$accesslog" "$aprdir/$datestampdir"
                ProcessCommand uploadfile "$activityreport" "$aprdir/$datestampdir"
            } else {
                EchoAndLogMessage "Files in directory $aprdir/$datestampdir were processed earlier. Skipping these files."
    function callSendMail
        if (${emailtoaddress} -match "@") {
            epmautomate.bat login ${username} ${password} ${url}
            epmautomate.bat uploadFile "$logfile"
            epmautomate.bat sendMail $emailtoaddress "Mask Access Logs and Activity Reports results" Body="The results of running the Mask Access Logs and Activity Reports script are attached." Attachments=$logfilename
            epmautomate.bat deleteFile "$logfilename"
            epmautomate.bat logout
    EchoAndLogMessage "Starting the anonymize data script"
    EchoAndLogMessage "Anonymize data script completed"
    EchoAndLogMessage "Refer to logfile: $logfile for details."
  3. 使用 Windows 排程器排定 anonymizeData.bat。如需瞭解詳細步驟,請參閱自動執行指令碼
    您需要提供下列參數值來執行 anonymizeData.bat
    • 服務管理員的使用者名稱
    • 服務管理員的密碼,或加密密碼檔案所在的位置
    • 需要遮罩存取日誌和活動報表的服務環境的 URL
    • 選擇性:要傳送報表的目標電子郵件地址。只有當指定這個值的時候,才會透過電子郵件傳送報表。