

  1. Narrative Reporting 首頁中選取內容庫

  2. 選取內容庫右上角的 齒輪功能表 功能表,然後選取匯入

  3. 匯入對話方塊中,選取本機並瀏覽至您要匯入的匯出 ZIP 檔案。

  4. 選取覆寫現有物件,用新匯入的構件取代任何現有構件。

  5. 選取包含存取權限,將所匯入構件的已定義存取權限納入現有權限。

  6. 選取確定



    匯入之後在我的內容庫資料夾中產生的 "Import Process Status <date/time>.txt" 檔案,會列出每個匯入構件的狀態。


    The import process initiated by admin started on Jun 11, 2021 9:23:59 AM and was completed on Jun 11, 2021 9:24:00 AM.


    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,DV of type Note was successfully imported.

    Artifact Performance Summary of type Note Template was successfully imported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,DV of type Note was successfully imported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,AS of type Note was successfully imported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,DV of type Note was successfully imported.

    Artifact Variance Summary of type Note Template was successfully imported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,DV of type Note was successfully imported.

    Artifact Jan,340000,FY18,Total Entities,AS of type Note was successfully imported.