Adding a page to a project

When you first create a project, it contains a single empty page. From the project pages view, you can then add additional pages.

Creating a project page causes your project to open to the first Discover page instead of the Explore page. Projects open to the Explore page if they include only an empty Page 1 (created by default for new projects), or if all pages have been removed.

To add a page to a project:

  1. Select Discover.
  2. In the page footer, click the add page icon next to the page tabs.

    Add page icon next to the page tabs

  3. On the Add Page dialog, type a name for your new page, and if your project contains multiple data sets, also select a primary data set to be the main focus for this page.
    This is page-level data binding. Any components you add to this page are bound to the primary data set by default.
  4. Click Add.

    The new page is added to the project and then automatically displayed, so that you can add components to it.

    See Adding and deleting components on a page.

Access to pages within a project depends on whether the user or the user group have access to this project. If a given user has the Project Restricted User or Project Author roles for a project, they can add and configure page components within that project. For details, see Project and User Roles.