Profit Analysis

Overview of Analyzing Gross Profits

Oracle Analytics Cloud Service technology provides graphical dashboards displaying actual versus simulated cost of goods sold (COGS) and gross margins originating from variations in costs. These dashboards enable you to visualize and quickly analyze costs occurring across the supply chain. When cost changes occur, you can investigate deviations, and then take corrective action. You can view detail panes on the dashboards to examine actual and simulated data on:

You can display data in either a graph or table view, and export data to PDF, Microsoft Excel, and other documents.

There are two Oracle Analytics Cloud Service dashboards to analyze cost of goods sold and gross profit data. Both dashboards show the actual compared to simulated costs created in the Cost Impact Simulator:

The currency code shown in the Gross Profit Analysis detail reports is the primary currency of the general ledger shown in the report.

For internal drop shipment sales orders—the Gross Profit Analyzer dashboard and detail reports for the shipped order section displays data for the shipping, selling, and intermediate operating unit. The customer details in the dashboard and detail reports for the shipping and intermediate operating units is shown as the external customer creating the sales order in the selling operating unit.

Note: When launching the Oracle Analytics Cloud Service pages from the Cost Impact Simulator, a user needs to be set up for both the Cost Simulator and the Profit Analyzer roles. See: Application Roles.

Related Topics

Generating Data for Profit Analysis

Selecting Search Criteria

Viewing an Overview of Gross Profits

Viewing Gross Profit Products

Viewing Gross Profit Customers

Viewing Impacts on Gross Profit

Generating Data for Profit Analysis

Several programs are used to collect cost information and generate data to display on Profit Analysis dashboards:

Related Topics


Background Processes

Selecting Search Criteria

The Profit Analysis dashboards open defaulting to:

You can change the cost type to other types have access to, along with other parameters during your analysis.

Note: The cost type ACTUAL is a seeded cost type for profit analysis which has the actual values only. The values in ACTUAL are used to create the simulated values. The dashboard also enables you to select the cost type ACTUAL to look at the actual values.

To select search criteria in the Profit Analyzer dashboards

  1. Navigate to the Gross Profit Analysis or Impact on Gross Profit dashboards.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select values in the Search panel to change the information appearing on the dashboard. You can select multiple search parameters for each value. Choices are:

    • Simulation/Plan Type

    • Organization Ledger

    • Fiscal Year (displays only on Gross Profit Analysis dashboard)

    • Fiscal Quarter (displays only on Gross Profit Analysis dashboard)

    • Period

    • Product

    • Sales Organization

    • Sales Channel

    • Sales Representative

    • Customer

  3. Select Apply to reformat the information and change the values appearing in the panels.

    Data does not display if the specified criteria does not have information for the selected value combination.

Viewing an Overview of Gross Profits

The Overview region of the Gross Profit Analyzer has six panels displaying actual data compared to simulated data. These panels include:

All panels enable you to:

Some of the panels also enable you to navigate to reports showing more detail on the values appearing on the graphs and tables.

To view an overview of gross profits

  1. Navigate to the Gross Profit Analysis page, and select the Overview tabbed region.

  2. You can select values in the Search panel to change variations and reformat the data appearing, see: Selecting Search Criteria

  3. The Profitability Summary panel is a table view of orders in relationship to margin and COGS for the cost type selected. For sales forecasts, shipped, and unshipped orders you can view:

    • Sales Revenue

    • COGS and Gross Margin (both actual and simulated)

    • Percentage of Change for COGS and Gross Margin

    The variation of changes appear in both a numerical and color-coded display.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Gross Margin by Period panel shows the amount per period of your organization's gross margin for the selected Fiscal Period.

  4. Use the drop-down box to change the display between graph or table view, and back again.

    Both views list the actual and simulated values for the fiscal periods, and other values used in your search criteria.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Select a particular period in the table to view daily variations of the month for the actual and simulated gross margins.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. The following panels show an overview of profitability by sales organization and sales representative, view the following panels:

    • The Gross Margin by Sales Organization panel shows the amount of sales for each organization selected in the search criteria.

    • The Gross Margin by Sales Representative panel shows the amount of sales earned by representatives selected in the search criteria.

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Select the drop-down menu to display the data between a table or graph view, and back again.

  8. To filter results for top grossing organizations and representatives, change the value in the Top box. Select Apply to see the results.

    In the table view for the Gross Margin by Sales Organization panel, you can view individual organizations.

  9. To see an overview of profitability for planned orders by period, view the following panels.

    These panels show the profitability of suggested order quantities for orders created by your planning and scheduling system:

    • The Cost of Goods Sold for Planned Orders by Period panel shows the COGS amount for orders planned per fiscal period selected in your search criteria.

    • The Gross Margin for Planned Orders by Period panel shows the gross margin for the orders planned for the fiscal periods selected in your search criteria.

      the picture is described in the document text

  10. On the Cost of Goods Sold for Planned Orders by Period and the Gross Margin for Planned Orders by Period panels, you can navigate to detail reports by left-clicking your mouse in the following areas:

    • On the line in the graph view

    • Values in the Actual or Simulated columns in the table view

    Note: Use mouse left-click to access the reports; mouse right-click displays Oracle Analytics Cloud Service report settings and not the In-Memory Cost Management Cloud Service detail reports.

    When you choose the appropriate method for the panel display, the following link appears: Navigate to Detailed Gross Profit Analysis.

    the picture is described in the document text

  11. Select the link, and the Detailed Gross Profit Analysis report appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

Viewing Gross Profit Products

The Product tabbed region of the Gross Profit Analyzer contains six panels showing the profitability of your organization's products including:

All panels enable you to:

To view COGS and gross margins for products in the Gross Profit Analysis dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Gross Profit Analysis page, and select the Product tabbed region.

    Data displaying on the panels is for products selected according to your search criteria, see: Selecting Search Criteria

    The overview summary panels show profitability for shipped orders only:

    • The Cost of Goods Sold panel shows the profitability of selected products in your search criteria.

    • The Gross Margin panel shows the profitability of the difference between total revenue and the cost of goods sold of selected products in your search criteria.

  2. To filter results for most profitable products, change the value in the Top box. Select Apply to see the results.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Use the drop-down box to change the display from a graph or a pivot table, and back again.

    The pivot table view shows the actual and simulated COGS or gross margin in a row for the total amount.

  4. Expand the Total column to display the actual and simulated amount of the next level of the product hierarchy.

  5. In the Unshipped Orders region, Gross Profit Analysis dashboard, two panels show COGS and gross margins for unshipped orders:

    • Cost of Goods Sold for Unshipped Orders shows the income of products for orders booked but not yet shipped.

    • Gross Margin for Unshipped Orders shows the difference between revenue and COGS of products for orders booked but not yet shipped.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. To see an overview of profitability for planned orders by product, view the following panels. These panels show the profitability of suggested order quantities for orders created by your planning and scheduling system.

    • The Cost of Goods Sold for Planned Orders by Product panel shows the COGS amount for the orders planned for products selected in your search criteria.

    • The Gross Margin for Planned Orders by Product panel shows the gross margin for the orders planned for products selected in your search criteria.

To navigate to detail reports

  1. On any of the panels, navigate to detail reports by left-clicking your mouse in the following areas:

    • On the line in the graph view

    • Values in the Actual or Simulated columns in the table view

    Note: Use mouse left-click to access the reports; mouse right-click displays Oracle Analytics Cloud Service report settings and not the In-Memory Cost Management Cloud Service detail reports.

    When you choose the appropriate method for the panel display, a link appears: Navigate to Detailed Gross Profit Analysis.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the link, and the Detailed Gross Profit Analysis report appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

Viewing Gross Profit Customers

The Customer region of the Gross Profit Analyzer has six panels displaying actual values compared to simulated data of your gross profits and COGS for your customers. These panels include:

All panels enable you to:

To view gross profits and margins for customers

  1. Navigate to the Gross Profit Analysis page, and select the Customer tabbed region.

  2. You can select values in the Search panel to change variations and reformat the data appearing, see: Selecting Search Criteria

    The overview summary panels show the profitability for shipped orders only:

    • The Cost of Goods Sold panel shows the profitability of selected customers in your search criteria.

    • The Gross Margin panel shows the profitability of the difference between total revenue and the cost of goods sold of selected customers in your search criteria.

  3. To filter results for the most profitable customers, change the value in the Top box. Select Apply to see the results.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Use the drop-down box to change the display from a graph or a pivot table, and back again.

    The pivot table view shows the actual and simulated COGS or gross margin in a row for the total amount.

  5. Expand the Total column to display the actual and simulated amount of the next level of the customer hierarchy.

  6. In the Unshipped Orders region, two panels show COGS and gross margins for unshipped orders in the Gross Profit Analysis dashboard:

    • Cost of Goods Sold for Unshipped Orders shows the income per customer for orders booked but not yet shipped.

    • Gross Margin for Unshipped Orders shows the difference between revenue and COGS per customer for orders booked but not yet shipped.

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. To see an overview of profitability for planned orders by customer, view the following panels. These panels show the profitability of suggested order quantities for orders created by your planning and scheduling system.

    • Cost of Goods Sold for Planned Orders by Customer panel shows the COGS amount for the orders planned for customers selected in your search criteria.

    • Gross Margin for Planned Orders by Customer panel shows the gross margin for the orders planned for customers selected in your search criteria.

    the picture is described in the document text

To navigate to detail reports

  1. On any of the panels, navigate to detail reports by left-clicking your mouse in the following areas:

    • On the line in the graph view

    • Values in the Actual or Simulated columns in the table view

    Note: Use mouse left-click to access the reports; mouse right-click displays OACSS report settings and not the In-Memory Cost Management Cloud Service detail reports.

    When you choose the appropriate method for the panel display, a link appears: Navigate to Detailed Gross Profit Analysis.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the link, and the Detailed Gross Profit Analysis report appears.

    For internal drop shipment sales orders - the Gross Profit Analyzer dashboard and detail reports for the shipped order section displays data for the shipping, selling, and intermediate operating unit. The customer details in the dashboard and detail reports for the shipping and intermediate operating units is shown as the external customer creating the sales order in the selling operating unit.

    the picture is described in the document text

Viewing Impacts on Gross Profit

The Impact on Gross Profit dashboard shows the results of a previous simulation performed. You can change the display to other simulations by selecting a Simulation Code value in the search region. The dashboard consists of 6 panels showing:

All of the panels enable you to:

To view impacts on gross profits

  1. Navigate to the Impact on the Gross Profit dashboard.

    The initial view defaults to a simulation in which you have access. The Simulation Code field value and any of the other search parameters can be changed in the Search panel to reformat the data appearing, see: Selecting Search Criteria

  2. In the COGS and Gross Margin for shipped orders panels you can see the:

    • The Cost of Goods Sold by Product panel shows the profitability of selected products in your search criteria.

    • The Gross Margin by Product panel shows the profitability of the difference between total revenue and the cost of goods sold of selected products in your search criteria.

    See: Viewing Gross Profit Products

  3. In the COGS and Gross Margin for unshipped orders panels:

    • The Cost of Goods Sold for Unshipped Orders shows the income of products for orders booked but not yet shipped.

    • The Gross Margin for Unshipped Orders shows the difference between revenue and COGS per customer for orders booked but not yet shipped.

    See: Viewing Gross Profit Products - and Viewing Gross Profit Customers

  4. In the COGS and Gross Margin for planned orders panels:

    • The Cost of Goods Sold for Planned Orders by Period panel shows the COGS amount for orders planned per fiscal period selected in your search criteria.

    • The Gross Margin for Planned Orders by Period panel shows the gross margin for the orders planned for the fiscal periods selected in your search criteria.

    See: Viewing an Overview of Gross Profits