Oracle Maxymiser app

Important: Oracle will discontinue Oracle Maxymiser Cloud Service and its Eloqua app on May 31, 2024. Begin reducing use now and uninstall by that date. The app will no longer function after this date. For uninstallation guidance, see Managing installed apps. Learn more about alternative services.

The Oracle Maxymiser app allows you to leverage both Oracle Eloqua and Oracle Maxymiser to create a connected journey experience spanning email and web site personalization. This is accomplished by sharing key personalization attributes from Eloqua contacts with Maxymiser via the Eloqua campaign canvas.

Example: You set up a Maxymiser campaign that displays different banners based on the country of a logged in user. However, some of your Maxymiser contacts are missing this data. With the Oracle Maxymiser app in Eloqua, you're able to import contact data from Eloqua, which may include the country of some of your contacts.

You can manage user permissions on this app by following the instructions listed here.

Next steps

Installing the Oracle Maxymiser app

Configuring the Oracle Maxymiser app

Adding the Oracle Maxymiser app to the canvas

Learn more

Oracle Eloqua AppCloud apps