Installing the Oracle Service Cloud app

Important: Oracle Service Cloud is now known as Oracle B2C Service. This change in name may not immediately reflect everywhere in the Oracle Eloqua user interface.

Important: Because deleting or deactivating the installer user account will impact installed apps, we recommend installing apps using a user account that is not tied to a specific person. The user account must have customer administrator rights.

To install the Oracle Service Cloud app:

  1. Follow the URL provided:

    Note: If you have IP allowlists enabled, add internal Eloqua IPs to your allowlist .

  2. Click Get App.
  3. Log in with your Eloqua credentials, if required.
  4. Click Accept and Install to add the app to your Apps list.
  5. Click Sign In to grant permission for the app to communicate with Eloqua on your behalf.
  6. Click Accept or switch users.

The app is now installed and can be viewed in your Apps list (Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog. > Apps, under the Platform Extensions section). You can configure your app now or at a later time.

You can return to the Apps list at any time and view the app description, modify the configuration settings, reinstall, or uninstall it. You can also check its status and dependencies.

Warning: To modify configuration settings, navigate to Apps, select your app, and click the Configure icon An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog.. Selecting the Reinstall icon An image of the Reinstall icon, which is represented by an arrow pointing down towards a horizontal line. will force you to go through the entire configuration process again. The app will be unavailable for all users during the reinstall. All existing assets, configurations and history are preserved when you reinstall an app. Also, you can choose to delete an app by clicking the Uninstall An image of the Uninstall icon, which is represented by a black garbage can.. In this case, all current assets, configurations, and history are permanently deleted.

Learn more

Configuring the Oracle Service Cloud app

Oracle Service Cloud app

Oracle Eloqua AppCloud apps