Email reporting and metrics

Note: You must have the View Operational Reports action permission to access operational reports.

After you've sent an email, you can use various reports and metrics to measure the email's performance.

Important: Email operational reports only report on the last 3 months of email activity. If you need to look further back into an email's performance, use Insight reports or Oracle Eloqua dashboards. Operational reports include test email activity. Insight reports do not show test email activity.

Accessing operational reports from an email

You can access reports directly from an email. If you want to report on multiple emails or a campaign, you should use Insight reports.

To access operational reports:

  1. Navigate to Assets An image of the Assets icon, which is represented by a black pencil., then click Emails.
  2. Open the email you want to report on.
  3. Click An image of the Reports icon..

Overview of email operational reports

The following table describes the email operational reports:

Report Name Description
Email Link Click-Through Shows the total clickthroughs for every tracked link in the email.
Recent Email Click-Thorough Shows the clickthroughs by date, contact, and link.
Recent Email Opens Shows email opens by date and contact. Find out more about Calculating email opens.
Recent Email Sends Shows email sends by contact and date.
Recent Email Unsubscribes Shows all contacts that have marked the email as spam. Find out more about unsubscribes.

Overview of email dashboards and Insight reports

The following table describes the email dashboards and Insight reports:

Report or Dashboard Name Description
Email Performance Use this dashboard to view an email's engagement by activity metrics, segment performance, activity timeline, and click map.
Email Analysis Use this Insight report for a detailed report on the selected email and all its metrics. With this report, you can drill down to view the contacts associated with certain metrics. Additionally, the report presents data for all time.

Learn more

Calculating email opens

Email Analysis dashboard

Email Analysis Overview report

Email open by device metrics dashboard

Spam Unsubscribe report

Disabling email tracking