What is document co-browsing?

Document co-browsing lets you see another person's browsing activity in a document preview. For example, you can use co-browsing to go through a slide presentation with others who are previewing the same document.

In Oracle Social Network for browsers, a row of profile pictures appears above a document preview. These are the people who are viewing the same document you are. You can click one of these pictures and select Browse With to follow that person's movement through the document.

Others can click your picture to see what you are seeing. So, if you're browsing, they see your movement, and if you're following someone else, they see that person's movement.

Here's an example of document co-browsing among three people:

Meet John and Jane. Both of them work in different satellite offices. They are on a phone conference, and each is looking at a preview of the fourth quarter projections document in their web version of Oracle Social Network.

John is on page 1 of the preview, and Jane is on page 5. John clicks Jane's profile picture above the preview, and selects Browse With. John's preview now shows page 5, the page Jane is on at the moment. As Jane scrolls through the document, John's view mirrors her movement.

In John's view, Jane's profile picture gets bigger than his and moves to the front of the row, before John's. This tells him that he is seeing Jane's view of the file preview.

John messages Otis, inviting him to join the teleconference and sending him a link to the file he and Jane are previewing. Otis dials in, opens his browser, and navigates to the file preview that John and Jane are viewing. He clicks John's profile picture above the preview and selects Browse With. In Otis' view, John's profile picture gets bigger than Otis' and Jane's and moves to the front of the row. Otis sees what John sees; so, like John, Otis sees Jane's movement through the file.

Note: If Otis wanted to, he could have clicked Jane's picture. Multiple people can co-browse with the same person.

The three of them discuss the document and come to an agreement about projection changes. When the next steps are decided, they each leave the teleconference. Otis clicks John's picture again and selects Stop Browsing With to leave the co-browsing session. John clicks Jane's picture and does the same.

For more information, see How do I co-browse a file with others?