Working Offline

This section describes how to work offline:

How do I work offline?

Suppose you're heading for the airport and want to catch up on your Conversations while on the plane. Before you leave, you can download an offline copy of the Conversation; or you can save a Conversation to a .zip file, then unzip the file on your local drive. Both versions contain all Conversation content available at the time you created the archive, including messages, replies, and files. However, when you download an offline copy, you can make changes to the Conversation to be published the next time you're online.

How do I download an Offline Copy of an item?

To download an offline copy of a Conversation, collection, social object, or wall, open the item, click Conversation Options icon, then click Download for Offline. An icon (Offline copy icon) appears next to the item to indicate that it has been downloaded.

Alternatively, you can right-click the item, then click Download for Offline.

Note: You can set Offline preferences to select what data gets downloaded for offline use. See How do I set offline preferences?

What's the difference between online and offline items?

An offline copy of an item has a few differences from an online item:

  • The Insert Reference button is disabled.

  • You can't see referring items.

How can I view a list of my offline Conversations while I'm online?

When you're online, you can view a list of the Conversations you've downloaded for offline use by clicking Offline toolbar icon on the navigation bar.

Alternatively, on the navigation bar, click View Conversation icon, click Options menu icon, and select Offline.

How can I view an offline copy of an item?

You can view an offline copy of an item while you're offline or online:


Double-click a listed item to open it.

A banner at the top of the window reminds you that you are viewing this item offline.

Note: To work offline, at the bottom of the panel, in the Accounts menu, clear the check mark next to Work Online.


To preview the changes you made to an offline copy of an item, right-click the item, click Offline Copy, then click Preview.

Alternatively, if you are viewing the item you changed offline, click Options menu icon, select Offline Copy, then click Preview.

How do I clear changes I made offline?

When you are online (connected to your account), you can remove the changes you made to items offline.

  • To remove changes for a specific item, right-click the item, click Offline Copy, then click Clear Changes.

  • To remove all your offline changes at the same time, at the bottom of the panel, click Settings menu icon, click Offline Copy, then click Clear Changes.

How do I refresh an offline copy of an item?

When you connect to your account, your offline copies are automatically refreshed periodically. However, you can also manually refresh offline copies while you're connected.

  • To refresh the offline copy of a specific item, right-click the item, click Offline Copy, then click Refresh.

  • To refresh all offline copies at the same time, at the bottom of the panel, click Settings menu icon, click Offline Copy, then click Refresh.

How do I post the changes I made offline to an online item?

If you have made changes to an offline item, the next time you go online (connect to your account) a banner appears saying that there are changes pending.

You can set Offline preferences to select whether your changes are published automatically when you go online or if you'd rather publish them manually. See How do I set offline preferences?

If you select to automatically publish your changes, the changes are posted when you connect to your account, and the banner disappears.

If you choose to publish your changes manually, you can preview the change to an item, by right-clicking the item, clicking Offline Copy, then clicking Preview.

Use one of the following methods to manually publish those changes for others to see.

  • To publish changes to all items at the same time, in the banner, click Publish.

  • To publish changes for a specific item, right-click the item, click Offline Copy, then select Publish Changes.

    Alternatively, while viewing the item, click Conversation Options icon in the title bar, click Offline Copy, then click Publish Changes.

Changes are posted to the live versions of the selected items, and the banner disappears.

How do I remove an offline copy of an item?

Right-click the item, click Offline Copy, then click Remove.

Alternatively, to remove all offline copies at the same time, when you are online, at the bottom of the panel, click Settings menu icon, click Offline Copy, then click Remove.