Managing General Properties

This topic discusses how to manage general properties:

Editing General Properties

  1. Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.
  2. From the Administration UI, click General. The General page is displayed by default when you enter the Administration section of the user interface.
  3. Edit the general properties of Oracle Social Network. For more information about the properties, see General Properties Page.
  4. Click Save.

General Properties Page

The following table describes the general properties.

Element Description


To give your Oracle Social Network web client interface a customized look, you can customize your branding text and logo; they appear in the user interface and in new user invitation emails.

Oracle recommends that you always provide a branding logo, and optionally branding text; if your logo already incorporates text, you don't need to add branding text separately. Experiment with the sizes and content of your branding information to find the best appearance for your needs. Test your new user invitation email to make sure the logo and text appear as you expect them to.

Corporate Branding Text

Specify text that you want to appear to the right of the logo in the banner, and in new user invitation emails. By default, the text SOCIAL NETWORK displays. Type your branding text into the field to replace the default. If you put one or more space characters in the field, no corporate branding text displays.

Corporate Logo

This logo appears in the top banner on the left side of the page. The current image is displayed.

To change it, click Change and follow the instructions to upload a different image. The maximum dimensions of the image are 22 pixels in height and 160 pixels in width. The image is scaled to fit, keeping the aspect ratio the same.


These global settings let you control email and mobile notifications.

Email Notifications

Globally enable or disable email notifications. When enabled, email notifications are sent, based on user settings.

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)

When a user installs the Oracle Social Network app on their iOS device and connects it to the server, the device is registered to the server and can receive notifications if you enable them here.

Globally enable or disable push notifications to registered iOS devices. When enabled, notifications are sent to iOS devices if selected by the user.

Android Push Notifications (GCM)

When a user installs the Oracle Social Network app on their Android device and connects it to the server, the device is registered to the server and can receive notifications if you enable them here.

Globally enable or disable push notifications to Android devices. When enabled, notifications are sent to Android devices if selected by the user.

Time Zone and Language

End users configure these settings either explicitly in their Oracle Social Network settings or implicitly based on their browser settings. You can specify fallback values for the time zone, language, and date format to be used if no setting is available.

Time Zone

Oracle Social Network uses the time zone in the user's settings if it is specified. If the user did not select a time zone, the value in this field is used. If you do not select a time zone, the time zone of the server where Oracle Social Network resides is used.

This time zone setting is used to determine when to send daily digest emails (midnight in the user's time zone) and to specify the timestamps on email notifications.

This setting does not affect timestamps for actions such as posting messages or adding users; the client machine's time zone setting is used.


Oracle Social Network clients (such as the browser client, Outlook, and Android) use the language specified in the user's settings or browser. If a client setting does not match an available language, or if no setting is found in the browser, the language selected here is used instead.

Date Format Locale

Oracle Social Network clients (such as the browser client, Outlook, and Android) try to format the date as specified in the user's settings or using the locale of the browser. If a client setting does not match an available format, or if no setting is found in the browser, the date format selected here is used instead.

Support Message

For clients that support it, users see the text shown in this field when they select the Support option. By default, the text describes how to create a service request with Oracle Support. In the web client a new browser page opens. (A target="_blank" is included in the link.) You can customize the text if you want users to follow a different process, such as contacting your company's internal support team.

Type any changes into the text entry field and click Save to save your changes, or click Restore Default to return to the default message that was defined when Oracle Social Network was initially configured.

Note: The support message is displayed in the language in which it is typed, and it is not translated based on the locale.

Manage Hashtags

Allows you to censor words or strings that you do not want to be used as hashtags.

Censored Hashtags

Type one or more strings that you do not want to be used as hashtags, without the hash (#) prefix. Wildcards such as the asterisk (*) are not supported. Use a comma to separate each string in the field; for example, censorthistag,censorthattag.

When a user types a censored hashtag or views a message containing a censored hashtag, the hashtag appears as regular text. Censored hashtags don't display in the list of hashtag suggestions. If you censor a hashtag that previously existed on the system, the link is removed. If a user previously selected to follow that hashtag, related entries are removed from the Overview page when they refresh the browser, and the hashtag page is removed. If you remove the tag from the censored list later, the hashtag is restored as a followed tag and the hashtag page is restored.


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) allows a web page to make XMLHttpRequests to another domain. If you have a browser application that integrates with Oracle Social Network and makes HTTP calls to the server, you must add the machine that's hosting the application to the CORS origins list.

Depending on the requirements for front channel or back channel interaction, you would add the host machine information to either the list of Front Channel CORS Origins, Back Channel CORS Origins, or both. Generally you need to enable and add origins only for the Front Channel, which interacts with the REST API.

Back Channel CORS

Enables or disables the use of Back Channel CORS. By default, this setting is enabled.

Back Channel CORS Origins

Type one or more CORS Origin values in the entry field. Use a comma to separate each value in the field.

Enter each CORS origin value in the format http[s]://<>.

Note: Do not use * as an origin value; it allows access from all hosts.

Front Channel CORS

Enables or disables the use of Front Channel CORS. By default, this setting is enabled.

Front Channel CORS Origins

Type one or more CORS Origin values in the entry field. Use a comma to separate each value in the field.

Enter each CORS origin value in the format http[s]://<>.

Note: Do not use * as an origin value; it allows access from all hosts.

Export Data

You can export conversation data for auditing purposes.

Important: Before exporting data, go to the Users page in Administration. Under Integration Account, make sure that both options are selected. These privileges are required to export conversations created by other users.

To export conversation data, select a From Date and a To Date, then click Export.

When the export is finished, you see a dialog to download the zip file with all the exported conversation data.


  • The from and to dates start at 12:00am based on the server UTC time. For example, to export conversations created on May 09, 2017, you'd select a From Date of May 09, 2017 and a To Date of May 10, 2017.

  • Only 1000 conversations can be exported at one time. The zip file contains a file called archive-info.txt that summarizes what was exported. If the "Matching conversations" count is 1000, you need to decrease the date range to export additional conversations.

  • The export job runs for a maximum of three minutes. If the "Actual time taken" is "3 minutes", you need to decrease the date range to allow the job to complete.