Oracle Mobile SRM

    Thanks for downloading the Oracle Mobile SRM application. This application covers a lot of the same functionality that you use every day in the web version of the SRM Platform, so in this article we'll be answering some FAQs. We'll link to the Publish and Engage articles in the main SRM help at the end of this article.

    Let's get started.

    What social networks can the application work with?

    You can publish and engage with messages from all the same social networks in the application as you can on the web version of the SRM platform. You have access to all the social properties you have in the web version, depending on which bundle you are in.

    How do I change my bundle?

    When you first log in to the application, you'll be taken to the Bundles section in Settings, where you'll select your bundle. The application pulls in all the bundles on your account, so you select exactly the one you want to use.

    If you want to use a different bundle, click the gear icon on the upper corner of the screen.

    Click the Bundle menu option and you'll be taken to your list of bundles. Select the one you want to use, then click Save.

    For more info on bundles, see the Navigating with Bundles help article.

    What features does the application have when I go to create a post in the Publish section?

    Clicking on the Create a Post icon takes you to the Create a Post section. Here you can write a message, attach a photo, schedule the post, select the streams you want to publish to, add tags, and give your post a name.

    What can I edit on draft and scheduled posts in the application?

    You can only edit scheduled or draft posts in the application. You'll see the posts you can edit by the pencil icon that appears next to the post in the post list.

    For these posts, you can edit the post itself, the publishing date, and the post name.

    Can I create tags in the application?

    No, you still have to go to the Admin section of Publish and add them there, or get your account admin to do it. However, as soon as new tags are added in the Admin section, you will have access to them in the application once you refresh the list.

    How do I switch between Publish and Engage?

    Whichever part you are in, the name of that section appears at the top of the page in red. Click that, and you'll be taken to the Filters section. This allows you not only to switch between Publish and Engage, but also filter what you are seeing in that section.

    Speaking of filters, what are my options for each section?

    For Publish, you can select to filter the posts you have made by different statuses. You can select between Draft, Scheduled, Published, or Error.

    Note: This will display posts made both on the application and on the web version of SRM.

    For Engage, you select from many of the same filters as the web version: Folder, Channels, Channel Type, Labels, and Assignment. You can filter by one or combos of these filters.

    What actions can I take on messages in the Engage section of the application?

    You can view, archive, reply, delete, label, and assign messages.

    To perform an action on a message, click on the message from the main list. Click the action icons at the bottom of the message, and the action menu will open. Click the action icon you want to perform.

    Can I create new labels for Engage in the application?

    Yes, you can create new labels and these will also appear in the web version of your account.

    If I have a question about the application, how do I get help?

    You can submit a Service Request with My Oracle Support, just like with the web version. You can find MOS at and make sure you include "Mobile" in the SR headline.

    Ready to Download?

    Download link and full info on the application is available here:

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