Publish Table of Contents

    If you need help with Publish, look no further than these help articles. You can read through the entire series of articles, or find the specific article that discusses the topic you'd like to know more about.

    Click on an article title to start reading.

      Introduction to Publish

      • What is Publish?
      • Basic Terminology

      The Admin Tab (Skip this article if you are not an admin of your account)

      • The Preferences Tab
      • The Circles Tab
      • The Tags Tab
      • The Tracking Tab
      • The Open Graph Object Tab

      Creating a Post

      • Getting Started
      • Name Your Post
      • Select Your Streams
      • Create Your Content
      • Adding a URL
      • Adding Media
      • Choose Values for Your Tracking URL
      • Schedule Your Post
      • Your Stream Type Settings
      • Facebook Options
      • Twitter Options
      • Google+ Options
      • LinkedIn Options
      • Previewing Your Post
      • Publish Your Post
      • Creating a Suggested Post
      • Creating an Unpublished Post
      • Uploading Multiple Posts

      Uploading Multiple Posts

      • Upload Posts Button
      • Formatting Your CSV
      • Uploading Your CSV

      The Posts Tab - Taking Action on Your Posts

      • The Posts Grid
      • Filtering the Post Grid
      • Calendar View
      • The Review/Analyze Drawer
      • Taking Action on a Post
      • The Analyze Tab
      • CSV Report

      The Posts Tab - Calendar

      • Viewing the Calendar
      • Post Activity

      Dynamic Link Tracking in SRM

      Adding Video to a Post with Open Graph Protocol

      Creating Open Graph Objects

      • Creating an Open Graph Object
      • Activating an Open Graph Object
      • Editing an Open Graph Object

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