The Posts Tab - Taking Action on Your Posts

    The Posts Tab is where you'll interact with your posts that are in draft, scheduled, suggested, and published. On this page you can view all your posts using the Post Grid or Calendar view, take a number of actions on them, get some basic analytics on a post, even download a CSV file with info on all your posts. In this article, we'll go through all the things you can do on this page.

    In this article:

    The Post Grid
        · Post Columns
        · Grid Control Buttons

    Working With the Calendar View

    Filtering the Post Grid

    Working With Review/Analyze/History Drawer

    The Review Tab

    The History Tab

    Taking Action on a Post
        Previewing a Post
        Editing a Post
        Copying a Post
        Copying as a Suggested Post
        Removing a Post

    The Analyze Tab
        Download Graph

    CSV Report
        · Impressions Information

    Uploading Multiple Posts

    The Post Grid

    The majority of the Posts tab is what we call the Post Grid - a table containing information on all of your posts. This grid not only gives you quick information about all of your posts, but also allows you see at a glance how any single post is doing.

    The Post Grid contains columns of info on all of your posts, including status, shares, comments and likes. You can select which columns you wish to display on the Post Grid at all times. If you want to get the full spread on your posts, you can download a CSV (comma separated values file) of the entire grid with all the columns of info included. You can also search or filter the Post Grid to only display certain posts you are interested in.

    Post Columns

    Next to your report name, you'll see the following columns with user data on that post:

    • ID - A code Publish assigns to your post. This is used only in SRM.
    • Status - What state your post is in, either Draft, Scheduled, Suggested, Unpublished, Publishing, Extended Publishing, Published, Cancelled.
    • Post Name - The name you gave your post.
    • Tags - Any tags you added to the post.
    • Clicks - The number of times the short URL Publish created for your post (if applicable) was clicked. This includes clicks wherever this short URL is used and the number is not unique.
    • Plays - The number of times an audio or video file you posted was played.
    • Entries - The number of times data has been submitted to your app (such as entries for a drawing). Click on the number of entries to download the data.
    • Actions - The number of times the app you posted has been used (polls completed, coupons printed, quizzes submitted)
    • Published - The date and time stamp for when your post was published (only appears for published posts).
    • Stream - The social property(s) this post was selected to publish to.
    • Circles - (Google+ only) The circles were selected to be published to.

    These are the columns that are displayed by default, but there are several more you can select to display. You can change your displayed columns using the Show/Hide Columns button.

    Grid Control Buttons

    If you scroll down the page, you will see three icons at the bottom of the Post Grid. These buttons help you change the way the Grid displays.

    The buttons are from left to right:

    • Reload Grid - Clicking this button refreshes your Post Grid, updating the information in the grid.
    • Show/Hide Columns - Clicking this button brings up a list of all the columns you can display in the Post Grid. Select the checkboxes to display or hide columns on the Post Grid.
    • Word Wrap- If you have a Report Name that is longer than the grid cell, clicking this button will wrap the text in that cell so you can view the entire title at once.

    Working With the Calendar View

    You can switch how you view your posts into a Calendar view using the Calendar icon at the top of the page. Click the Calendar icon, and your Post Grid will be replaced with a calendar.

    For more info on the Calendar view, please see The Posts Tab - Calendar help article.

    Filtering the Post Grid

    You can sort the Post Grid to display only the posts you want to see. There are two ways to do this or you can use a combination of the two methods:

    Search Field

    The search field allows you to type in any word or phrase and only the posts that contain that word or phrase will be displayed in the Post Grid. Just type the word or phrase into the text field and click “Search”. The grid will reload to display those posts.

    Working With Filters

    Specify your filters, by using the three drop-down menus that appear at the top right side of the screen:

    • Streams Filter - Use this drop-down menu to see posts from a specific stream. Click the drop-down list to view a list of your streams. Select a stream from the list and the filter will display only posts made to that stream. To return to the full list of posts, select All Streams.
    • Statuses Filter - Use this drop-down menu to see posts that have a particular status. Click the drop-down and a list of statuses will appear. Select a status and only posts with that status will appear. To return to the full list of posts, select All Statuses.
    • Date Range Selector - The date range selector allows you to view posts from a range of dates. Select your start and end date by clicking on the date you want on the calendars.

    Working With Review/Analyze/History

    After you create a post, you might need to change something about the post, get a quick analytic look at it, or see the post history. You can do all three of those things from the Review, Analyze, and History sections on the side of the Post Grid.

    Note: You can close the Review, Analyze, and History sections by clicking the X at the top of the section. To reopen this section, click on any post in the grid.

    The Review Tab

    The Review tab contains detailed information a specific post when you select it in the Post Grid:

    Note: You will only see the information that applies to your post. For example, if your post is published, you will not see the Scheduled On section.

    • Post Name - The name you gave the post
    • Stream - The social property your post is assigned to. This is a clickable link that will take you to the Facebook page.
    • Tags - Any tags you added to the post
    • Geotargeting - Any geotargets you selected
    • Feed Targeting - Any other targets you selected for the post
    • Created on - The date the post was created
    • Scheduled on - If the post is scheduled, the date the post is set to be published
    • Published on - The date your post was published
    • Last Updated - The date you last touched this post, either to create, publish, or edit it.
    • Email Notifications - Any email addresses that were entered to follow the post
    • Post Contents - The content of your post
    • Destination URL - The destination link you selected, if any
    • Short URL - The short URL Publish created from your destination link, if any. This is a clickable link.
    • Title - The title of the media you attached, if any
    • Description - The description of the media or URL you attached, if any
    • Attached Media - Click the link to display the media you attached, if any
    • SRM Post ID - The number assigned to the post by Publish
    • Network Post ID - The number assigned to the post by the social network it was or will be published to. This is a clickable link that will take you to the post on the social network.

    The History Tab

    The History tab gives you audit trail information about the post that you've selected in the Post Grid:

    The History tab is updated when the following events occur:

    • Post is created
    • Post is scheduled
    • Post is rescheduled
    • Content is edited
    • Tags are edited (the system will show the 3rd party tags edited)
    • Links and link images are edited

    Taking Actions on a Post

    At the top of the Review tab, you'll see an ellipsis. Clicking on the ellipsis opens a drop-down menu from which you can preview, quick edit, full edit, copy, copy as a suggested, or remove the post.

    Previewing a Post

    When you click Preview a popup will appear displaying your post similarly to how it will appear on the social network.

    Editing a Post

    There are two ways to edit your posts: Quick Edit, which is editing the post directly in the Review pane, or Full Edit, which takes you to the CAPP page to edit there.

    Quick Edit

    To edit a post in the Review pane, click on the post in the grid, then select Quick Edit from the Actions menu.

    You can edit different things if you post has been published than if it is a draft/scheduled.

    For a published post, you can edit:

    • Post name
    • Description

    For drafts or scheduled posts, you can edit:

    • Everything except the streams you are publishing to and any media you have attached

    Once you have edited all the areas you want, click Save and your changes will be saved.

    Full Edit

    When you select Full Edit from the Actionhave already been published.

    Note: When you edit a published Facebook post, the edits will not appear on your newsfeed or your Timeline, nor will the entry be reposted. However, if a user shares your post, the edited version is what will be shared.

    You can edit different things if your post has been published than if it is a draft/scheduled.

    For a published post, you can edit:

    • Post name
    • Tags

    For drafts or scheduled posts, you can edit:

    • Everything except the streams you are publishing to

    Once you have edited all the areas you want, click Save, Save Draft, or Schedule, depending on which type of post you are editing, and your changeds will be saved.

    Copying a Post

    When you select Copy from the Action menu, the post will open in the CAPP page, with all the information that had been previously entered there for you to edit. You can make any changes you want and then save, schedule, or publish the post as you normally would.

    Note: You must give the post a new name.

    Copying as a Suggested Post

    Just like when you select Copy, selecting Copy as a Suggested Post will open the post in the CAPP page. However, you will only be allowed to save this post as a Suggested post, not publish it.

    Note: You must give the post a new name.

    Removing a Post

    When you click Remove, a popup will appear asking you to confirm that you want to remove the post from Publish. If you want the post removed from Facebook as well, select the checkbox. Click Remove Post. Your post will then be removed and will disappear from the Post Grid.

    Note: Due to API limitations, you can't remove a LinkedIn post via the SRM platform.

    The Analyze Tab

    The Analyze tab shows you a graph of the impressions your post made on a certain day over a certain time period.

    The graph will display the chart in hours, but you can use the Show drop-down menu to change the chart into days.

    Download Graph

    You can download this graph as a PNG or JPG image, a PDF, or a SVG vector image by clicking the gray download button and selecting the file type you want.

    CSV Report

    The Posts tab gives you a quick view of the metrics on your posts, but to see a more detailed report, you can export your data in a Comma Separated Values file, or CSV. A CSV is a comma separated values file, a file that stores tabular data in a plain format so it can be read by many different programs.

    You can download the entire Posts Grid, including columns you don’t display normally, in one CSV file by using the Export button, which you can find by clicking the ellipsis next to the Create a Post button. Click the button, select Export, and a download dialogue will appear, allowing you to save the grid as a CSV file on your computer.

    The CSV will contain information from every post you have created in Publish using all of the fields from the Post Grid, plus these additional fields:

    • Attachment Type - The type of attachment (video, music, photo, etc) on the post (if applicable).
    • Geotargeting - Shows if the post was geotargeted.
    • Impressions for this stream - The number of impressions made on the stream within a 24 hour period (see below for more information about impressions data).
    • Unique impressions for this stream - The number of unique impressions made per fan. If the post appears multiple times in a fan's stream, that impression will only be counted once (See below for more information about impressions data).

    There are also six columns based on the Stream's Likes and comments for a 24-hour period:

    • Total Likes for this Stream
    • Mobile Likes for this Stream
    • Mobile Likes Percentage
    • Total Comments for this Stream
    • Mobile Comments for this Stream
    • Mobile Comments Percentage

    The data will reflect the current state of your post, except for the impressions data. More info about that is below.

    Impressions Information

    Impressions is defined as the total number of times content associated with your Page has been displayed on a browser.

    Unique Impressions is defined as the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page (estimated).

    Our system gets impressions information in a specific way from Facebook, so here is a quick explanation on how we get our data and how that is reflected in your CSV.

    Every morning at 8AM Eastern time, our system asks Facebook for the impressions for each stream. We get two impressions numbers: total and unique, and these impressions are for the entire stream for the entire day, not for each individual post. Impressions for each post are not currently available to us through the Facebook API, but you can get that information from the Facebook Insights interface.

    The impressions numbers for a stream only become available after 2 days, so if you are looking at the information in a CSV from a post you published an hour ago, there won't be any updated impressions information for that post.

    If our system doesn't get any impression information from Facebook, we will continue to query Facebook about the stream every day for up to 30 days.

    If there seems to be a gap in the historical data for your stream, it may be because when we launched this feature addition in the CSV, we were only able to get data back to March 30, 2010. That gap is there because the data wasn't or isn't available to us through the Facebook API.

    If there are any discrepancies in your numbers for impressions, please contact Oracle Support at and the SRM Support team will investigate.

    Uploading Multiple Posts

    If you are planning out your publishing schedule for the month, you may be ready to schedule all those posts at one time. You can do that by using the Upload Posts button that is a part of the ellipsis. To get full info on uploading multiple posts, check out the Uploading Multiple Posts help article.

    Software Note

    This feature uses High Charts software, which is owned and licensed through Highsoft Solutions AS.

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