The Admin Tab

    The Admin tab will only appear to users whose role is marked as Team, Bundle, or Account Administrator. If you are not an admin, you can skip to the next Publish Help article: Creating a Post.

    From the Admin tab, you can control your preferences for actions when creating a post, your circles for Google+, tags for your posts, creating tracking URLs, and open graph objects.

    In this article:

    The Preferences Tab

    The Circles Tab

    The Tags Tab
        · To create a tag
        · To create a CRM tag
        · Eloqua/SRM Integration

    The Tracking Tab

    The Open Graph Object Tab
        · To create an Open Graph Object
        · To activate an Open Graph Object
        · To edit an Open Graph Object and find the iframe code

    Click a link above to get directly to that section, or scroll down and start reading.

    The Preferences Tab

    On this page, you can set certain preferences for your entire account. These preferences will affect every user on your account. If you select the boxes on this page, when a user on your account goes to the Create a Post page, those same boxes will be selected by default. If you leave these boxes cleared, when a user on your account goes to the Create a Post page, those same boxes will be cleared by default.

    The preferences are:

    • Include URL in posts: If you are adding a link to a post, you can have that URL appear in your post.

    • Publish photos to a Facebook album: Selecting this box will publish this image to a photo album on your Facebook page. The image will display as a large photo in your post when you choose this option.

      Note: By default, the photo will be published to your Wall album on Facebook. If you don't have a Wall album, Publish will create an album for you, named after your publishing app.

    • Post Name is Required: When this box is selected, users will be required to give their post a name before it can be published, saved as a draft, or scheduled. But unchecking it allows posts to be published/saved/scheduled without a post name.

      Note: This box will be selected by default.

    The Circles Tab

    On this page, you can manage your Google+ circles, including adding folks to existing circles and creating new ones.

    Editing or Deleting a Circle

    All your existing circles are listed on the left. To change the circle's name or delete it, click on the gear icon and select Edit or Delete.

    Adding or Removing People in a Circle

    Click on the circle you want to edit. All the users in that circle will appear. Select the box next to the user you want to add or remove, then click the Action drop-down menu and select Add to Circle or Remove from Circle.

    Clicking Add to Circle opens a modal window where you can select the circle you want to add the user to. Click Add to add the user to that circle.

    Clicking Remove from Circle opens a window asking you to confirm if you want to remove them. Click Remove to confirm.

    The Tags Tab

    On this page, you can create tags for your account. Tags are words and phrases that you can apply to posts, allowing you to organize and track your posts to your different social properties. The tags you create on this page will appear in a drop-down menu in the Tagging area of the Create a Post page, where any user can add them to a post, and the tags you select for a post will appear on the Post Grid.

    Note: Tags are bundle-specific, so if you want folks on multiple bundles to use the same tags, you'll need to add them in each bundle individually.

    Tag Types

    You can create SRM or CRM tags. SRM tags are created here in the SRM and only work in the SRM platform. CRM tags are created and imported into SRM from a CRM system, such as Siebel, CRMOD, or Eloqua. We'll go through both of those here.

    To create a SRM tag:

    Type the word or phrase you want as a tag into the text field, then click Add Tag. The tag will then appear in the list below the field. These tags will then appear in the drop down menu on the Create a Post page.

    To import CRM tags:

    1. Choose the CRM system you want to import tags from from the drop-down.
    2. In the box next to the drop-down, enter your login credentials for the CRM system and click Login.
    3. The tags you have created in that system will appear in box below.

    The CRM tags will now appear in the drop down menu on the Create a Post page, available for you and other users on your account.

    Note For Eloqua Users: When you add new tags to Eloqua, the next time you come back to SRM, you must refresh your login on the admin page to add the new tags to your list in Publish.

    Eloqua/SRM Integration

    For more information on the Eloqua/SRM integration, please see the additional documentation located here.

    The Tracking Tab

    The Tracking tab is where you set up Dynamic Link Tracking, which allows you to easily create URLs within their posts that 3rd party analytics systems can use to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

    For complete information on Dynamic Link Tracking and how to use it in the SRM platform, please see the Dynamic Link Tracking help article.

    The Open Graph Object Tab

    Open Graph Objects are Facebook Like buttons that you can put on any website to represent real-world items. When a user clicks one of these Open Graph Objects on your site, that action will appear in their feed and you can push content to those users in the future.

    You can create and moderate your own Open Graph Objects on this tab.

    To create an Open Graph Object:

    1. Sign in to Publish and click the Admin tab.
    2. Click the Open Graph Objects tab.
    3. Click the Add Open Graph Object button.
    4. Fill out all the fields on the form.

      Note: If you aren't sure what an item is, click the What's This link next to the item and a short explanation of what the item is and where you can find that information will be displayed.

      When you have finished filling out the form, click the Create Open Graph Object.

    5. You will be take to the Existing Open Graph Objects page and your new Open Graph Object will be listed.

    To activate an Open Graph Object:

    IMPORTANT: Before your Open Graph Object is added to your page, you need to activate it. Do this by clicking Like on the Existing Open Graph Objects page.

    The text next to Like will change to You like this. Your Like button is now ready to place on your website.

    To edit an Open Graph Object and find the frame code:

    1. Click the Open Graph Objects tab in the Admin section.
    2. Click on the OGO you want to edit.
    3. You will be taken to the edit page for the Open Graph Object. The left side of the page has the same fields you filled out previously to create the Open Graph Object. The right side of the page has the details of your object and the iFrame code you will need to place the Like button on your website.
    4. Make any changes you want, then click the Update Open Graph Object button at the bottom of the page.

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