Customizing Your Publish Experience

    When you use Publish to create a link it uses the domain name You can customize your Publish experience by changing this to something that reflects your brand. You can even have multiple domains, with specific subdomains for specific social streams.

    Creating a Custom Domain

    When choosing a custom domain name for your brand's publishing use, we recommend a subdomain of your brand's domain name. For instance, if your brand's domain is, we suggest you use a subdomain like

    Publish will use your social domain in two scenarios:

    • The domain for your branded URL shortener
    • Outside of the Facebook environment as a branded redirect, and its metrics tracked through Publish

    There are two ways to set up a social domain for Publish. They are, have your Web or IT group create a CNAME record, or point an A record to our system.


    If you are using a subdomain of an existing domain, you will need to create a CNAME record like this:

    A CNAME record needs to be created for <short-phrase>
    Please point <short-phrase> to

    Example: if your domain was and you wanted to create as your social domain. Your request would be for a CNAME from to

    Note: We recommend you use this method because it doesn't require an IP address, which means you won't be impacted by IP address changes in the future.

    Primary Domains

    Alternatively, if you want to use a primary domain name with Publish, such as, request an A record like this:

    An A record needs to be created for the domain name
    Please point to

    Contact Support

    Once you have set up your domain, contact our Support team through the web: - include Custom Domain in the subject of your ticket.

    Note: If you are submitting multiple domains, please make sure you specify which domains goes with which streams.

    Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Domains

    Q. I use Google Analytics on my website (where I drive a lot of Facebook Status Update traffic) also. How will my reports look there?

    Scenario - posting a status update with a link that uses a SRM-enabled custom domain URL WITHOUT using tags on the stream in Publish:
    Outcome: on the website's Ga it will appear as Custom Short URL domain and slug

    Scenario - posting a status update with a link that uses a SRM-enabled custom domain AND using tags on the stream in Publish, as described above, in the same Google Analytics account:

    Outcome: Google Analytics will show 2 entries:

    • One for the short URL with a referrer of Facebook
    • One for the website with referrer of the shortened custom URL

    For a discussion of how to use Google Analytics on top of your Publish streams, see the Using Third-Party Analytics with your Publish Account section of the Quick Metrics - Posts Tab and CSV Files article.

    Q. I want my custom domain to be a specific section of my site, like Can I use this?

    Unfortunately, no. Custom domains are coded using C Names in the DNS Record, which does not support paths.

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