Introduction to Publish

    Welcome to Publish. This article will give you an overview of Publish's capabilities and how to learn more about each individual area and feature of the program.

    In this article:

    What is Publish?
    Basic Terminology

    What is Publish?

    Publish is a powerful tool that allows you to schedule and manage the posts you create on your social networks. Publish's user-friendly interface makes it easy to create in-depth interaction with fans of your page or stream. Publish has several features that take basic posting to a new level:

    • Managing multiple streams: You can easily manage multiple social network accounts with Publish, or even broadcast a single message to multiple streams at once.
    • Post scheduling: You can plan out your publication schedule, precisely timing when your posts go live so you can coordinate activities around them. You can also use our Calendar tool to line up a lot of posts in advance so you don't have to spend all day managing your social media communication.
    • Multi-language capabilities: Publish's database lets you post to your social networks in multiple languages and character sets.

    Throughout these articles, you will learn about the interface itself, and the tools you will use to help create and schedule your posts.

    Basic Terminology

    Let's go over some terminology that you will see throughout these help articles. Many of these names or phrases are specific to Publish, so it is important to know what they refer to.

    • Publish — An application that lets you create and publish dynamic content to your social networks.

    • Facebook Page — Your brand or organization's home on Facebook.

    • Stream — Your Facebook pages and Twitter accounts are streams of content. Therefore the connection between Publish and your Facebook pages and Twitter accounts is called a stream.

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