Choosing Your Base CSS and Facebook Timeline in Content & Apps

    As you have probably seen, Facebook has introduced Timeline pages for Brands. One feature of these new pages is an expanded layout – pages were previously 520 pixels; a brand Timeline page is 810 pixels.

    To allow you to take full advantage of this new page, we've released a new version of our CSS base code, which lets you use an expanded 810 pixel View Layout in Content & Apps. You have the option to stay on the old CSS (called Legacy) or switch to the new CSS (called 2012).

    Why should I use the new timeline-ready CSS?

    This new CSS not only gives your Content & Apps Views an out of the box look-and-feel closer to Facebook’s style, but it’s built in a fluid style, so you’ll have much greater flexibility when you are building custom Views.

    What happens if I don't use the new CSS?

    All news Content & Apps modules will be using the new CSS. If you haven’t switched to the new CSS, these modules may not display correctly on your View. You also will not be able to use the 810 pixel View Layout.

    How do I use the new CSS?

    You have two ways to use the new CSS: on individual Views, or your entire account.

    Using 2012 CSS on an Individual View

    We've built a new module called the CSS Override module. When you put this module on a View, it lets you choose to use the legacy or 2012 CSS on that particular View. For more info on this module, refer to The CSS Override Module.

    Using 2012 CSS on Your Whole Account

    When you click the Admin tab in Content & Apps, you'll see a section on the side called Layout Settings. In that section, you'll see two drop-down menus: Base CSS and View Width Layout.

    Base CSS

    This drop-down list is where you will actually choose the CSS your account will use. You have three options:

    • Legacy CSS: This is our old CSS. You are limited to 520 pixel View Layouts with this CSS.
    • 2012 CSS Preview: This lets you preview how your account will look with the new CSS. You'll see how the CSS will affect your existing Views inside Content & Apps. These changes WILL NOT appear on Facebook - your existing Views will look exactly the same, so you can safely make any changes in Content & Apps before you switch your account entirely.
    • 2012 CSS Published: This switches your account to the new CSS. Any changes to your Views will now appear in Content & Apps and on Facebook.

    View Layout Width

    If you select either of the 2012 options, you can then choose which View Layout width you want to use. You'll have three options (each one corresponds to one of the Base CSS options):

    • 520pxs: Use this with Legacy CSS
    • Preview 810pxs: Use this with 2012 CSS Preview
    • 810pxs: Use this with 2012 CSS Published

    Making Your Choice Live

    Once you have selected which Base CSS and View Layout Width you want to use, click Update. When you open a View, you'll see the CSS you chose.

    Important Note for New Accounts

    If your SRM account was created after March 30, 2012, Content & Apps will already be in 2012 CSS. If you choose to switch to Legacy CSS, this will break any custom CSS you have built into your Views.

    Need Help?

    If you aren't sure which of these CSS options is best for your account, or you need help using the various options, hit up your Oracle contact person or our Support team. We are here to help.

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