Content & Apps Table of Contents

    If you need help with your Content & Apps account, look no further than these Help articles. You can read through the entire series of articles or find the specific article that discusses the topic you'd like to know more about.

    Click on an article title to start reading.

      Introduction to Content & Apps

      • What is Content & Apps?
      • Basic Terminology

      Getting Started with Content & Apps

      • Activating Your Content & Apps Account
      • The Tabs Interface

      Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps

      • Creating a View
      • The View Layout Page
      • Adding and Controlling Modules in a View

      The Banner Module

      The Calendar Module

      The Causes Module

      The Comments Module

      The Contest Module

      The Coupons Module

      The Module

      The CRM On Demand Form Module

      The CSS Override Module

      The Custom Form Module

      The Events Module

      The Fan Counter Module

      The Fan Media Module

      The Flash Module

      The Flickr Module

      The Fusion CRM Form Module

      The Gifts Module

      The Google +1 Module

      The Google Maps Module

      The HTML Module

      The iframe Module

      The Instagram Feed Module

      The Instagram Moderation Module

      The JSON Module

      The Like Module

      The Like Gate Module

      The MailChimp Module

      The MP3 Module

      The Newsletter Module

      The Photos Module

      The Photo Albums Module

      The Pinterest Board Module

      The Pinterest Follow Module

      The Poll Module

      The Posts Module

      The Quiz Module

      The RSS Module

      The Siebel CRM Form Module

      The Sign Up Module

      The Slide Module

      The Social Media Mixer Module

      The Spotify Module

      The Survey Module

      The Sweepstakes Module

      The Twitter Follow Module

      The Twitter Live Module

      The Videos Module

      The View to View Module

      The Vimeo Module

      The YouTube Module

      The YouTube Channel Module

      Brand Templates - Creating Content for Your Entire Brand

      • Why do I need multiple templates?
      • What happened to my brand-wide content?
      • Creating a New Template
      • Using CSS in Your Template

      Connections - Making a View Live on Facebook

      • Attaching a View to a Facebook Page
      • Creating a Custom Tab Name
      • Age and Content Restrictions on Your Apps

      Choosing Your Base CSS and Facebook Timeline in Content & Apps

      • Brand Timeline pages and 2012 CSS
      • Using 2012 CSS with an Individual View
      • Using 2012 CSS with Your Whole Account

      Customizing a View

      • Basic Layout
      • General Rules
      • Elements for Customization
      • View Level CSS
      • View Styling

      Embedding a View on an External Website

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