The Instagram Moderation Form Module

    With the Instagram Moderation, your module will display a moderated feed of photos uploaded to Instagram specific to a user account or tag(s).

    Adding Instagram Moderation Modules to a Content & Apps View

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps help article.

    Once you have added a module and given it a name, the module will open for you to edit it or add content. Back on the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module - click the triangle for controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on Facebook until you click Publish.

    Note: While this module works in any position on your View, it displays best in the full width module position. Be sure to turn the modules headers and boarders off, as this may cause your module to display incorrectly.

    Adding Instagram Accounts to Instagram Moderation Modules

    When you drag-and-drop an Instagram Moderation module onto a View, it will automatically open to the edit page for that module. To add an account to a module you've already created:

    1. Next to your Instagram Moderation module you’ll see a callout bubble. Click the green triangle next to the title to show your options.
    2. Click the Edit Module button. You will be taken to the Edit Instagram Moderation Module section.

    This module's configuration is separated into two sections: Settings and Moderation. You can toggle between the two by clicking the appropriate header button.

    Using the Settings Section

    The Settings area of the module is in three parts: General, Layout, and Social. We'll go through these one by one.


    These options let you set which photos will appear on your module:

    • Campaign Name - Enter a name for this module. This will help you remember what you set up this module to include. This name will not appear anywhere on your module once it's been published.
    • Pull Photos Based On - You can select to have photos display from: Users, Tags, or Users and Tags. Click the radio button for the option you want. Whichever option you select, fields will appear for you to enter info for those options:
      • Instagram Username - Enter the Instagram username you want to display in the module.
      • Tags - Enter up to 10 Instagram hashtags that the module will use to pull photos onto the display.
        Note: Do not include the #sign with the tags and separate each hashtag with a comma.
    • Moderation - Select whether you want to moderate which photos will appear in the module. If you select to moderate the photos, all photos will appear on the Moderation tab in the Edit section of the module.
    • Reset Your Content - Clicking this button will delete all the photos in Moderation.


    These options let you decide how you want the photos to display on your module.

      Select if you want your images to be laid out in a grid or full layout:
    • Grid - Displays your image as a grid, 20 images per page.
    • Full - Displays one large image, with a series of smaller images along the bottom. You can select to display seven, 14, 21, or 28 images beneath the large image.

    If you want the Instagram username to appear under the thumbnails, click the radio button for that.


    Select which social network options you want displayed along with the photos: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. Click the icon to select it.

    With Facebook, you can enable Liking, Sharing, and/or Commenting.

    Saving Your Settings

    Once you have finished configuring all your settings, click Submit on any page to save your settings.

    About the Moderation Section

    The Moderation tab is where you can manually select which photos you want to display on your module. The photos that meet the criteria you set on the Settings tab will appear in a list, displaying the following info:

    • User account name and profile image
    • Photo description and tags
    • Thumbnail of the photo
    • Number of clicks (views) of the image
    • Number of shares of the image
    • Status - whether you have approved the image or not

    Approving Individual Posts

    To approve an image, select the check box under the Status column. The status will change to Approved and the photo will automatically appear on your module.

    Approve All

    You can approve all the photos in your Moderation queue at once by clicking Approve All above the status column.

    Export Submissions

    You can export all the photos in your Moderation queue as a CSV file by clicking Export Submissions.

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