The Instagram Feed Module

    With the Instagram Feed module, your module will display a feed of photos uploaded to Instagram from one of three options: a single user, a single hashtag, or a feed of popular photos Instagram-wide.

    Adding Instagram Moderation Modules to a Content & Apps View

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps help article.

    Once you have added a module and given it a name, the module will open for you to edit it or add content. Back on the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module - click the triangle for controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on Facebook until you click Publish.

    Note: This module is configured to display best in the full width module position.

    Adding Instagram Accounts to Instagram Feed Modules

    When you drag-and-drop an Instagram Feed module onto a View, it will automatically open to the edit page for that module. To set up a module you've already created:

    1. Next to your Instagram Feed module you’ll see a callout bubble. Click the green triangle next to the title to show your options.
    2. Click the Edit Module button. You will be taken to the Edit Instagram Feed Module section.
    3. Click Sign in with Instagram. A dialog box will appear, asking you to allow access to your Instagram account. Click the button, and you'll be taken to a screen to enter your Instagram username and password.

    There are several settings to configure your module.

    Display Type

    Choose how Instagram will choose the photos that will appear on your module:

    • Popular Media - Displays photos that are popular on Instagram, taken from all users' feeds.
    • User Account - Displays photos from one user's account. Enter the username you want to pull from in the provided text field.
    • Multiple User Accounts - Displays photos from multiple users' acounts. Enter the usernames you want to pull from in the provided text field, separated by commas.
    • Hashtag - Displays photos that have a particular hashtag, taken from all Instagram users' feeds. Enter the hashtag you want to pull from in the provided text field.

    Display Options

    There are several display options for you to choose from.

    • Social Options - Click the icons for the social networks you want displayed on the photos once they are expanded.
    • PhotoGrid - Choose whether to turn PhotoGrid on or off. Turning it on takes the seven most recent photos and showcases them in a slideshow.
    • Photo Count - Choose how many photos you want displayed on the module, with a max of 35. If you have PhotoGrid turned on, you need a minimum of seven photos, 14 if you want the grid to rotate images.

    Saving Your Settings

    Once you have finished configuring your module, click the Update button to save your changes.

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