Connections - Making a View Live on Facebook

    To make a Content & Apps View live on a Facebook tab, you must connect it to Facebook. We've simplified this process by creating apps for you to use - this way, you'll have a list of names to select from for your Facebook tab. If you want a custom name for your tab, you'll need to create a Facebook app specifically for that View.

    This help article will show you how to both easily attach your View to a Page and the steps to create a custom app and add it to Content & Apps.

    In this article:

    Attaching a View to a Facebook Page:
        Mobile-Enabling Your View (Optional)

    Creating a Custom Tab Name
        · To create a Facebook app on Facebook
        · To add your Facebook app on Content & Apps

    About Age and Content Restrictions for your Apps
        · Age Restrictions
        · Content Restrictions

    Click a link above to get directly to that section, or scroll down and start reading.

    Attaching a View to a Facebook Page

    1. Make sure your View is ready to be published, then go to the Connections tab. You'll see a grid of your existing connected Facebook pages.
    2. Click the Attach View button. The Attach View popup window will appear.
    3. Fill out the fields - if you aren't sure what to select or enter for each field, there's a definition on the right side for each one.
      • Facebook Page: Select the Facebook Page you want your View to appear on from the drop-down menu. If you want to attach this View to all of your Pages, select the Any Page box above the drop-down.
      • Tab Name: Select a name for your Facebook tab from the drop-down menu. (Note: You are technically choosing the app that will power the connection of your View to your Page. If you want the tab to have a custom name, you'll need to create a custom app. Instructions for doing that are in the next section of this Help article.)
      • View: Select the View you want to attach to the Facebook Page from the drop-down.
      • Geo-Targeting (optional): If you only want this View to display only for Facebook users with a specific language and/or country as their default, you can set that here. Select the Language and/or Country from the drop-downs.
    4. Click the Continue button. This popup will close and the Final Steps popup window will appear. You have two options on this window: Attaching the View to the Facebook Page and Mobile Enabling This View.

    To finish Attaching your View to your Facebook Page

    1. Click the Click here to attach your View to your Facebook Page button. You'll be taken to a new window on Facebook, where you'll be asked to add the View to your page.
    2. Click the Add button.
    3. You'll then be taken to your Facebook Page and your new tab with the View will appear in the list on the top right of your Page.

    Note: When you attach a View, the tab will appear on Facebook. If you don't have any modules added to a View, a blank tab will appear on your Facebook Page.

    Mobile-Enabling Your View (Optional)

    On the last half of the Final Steps popup window, you have the option of making your View enabled for mobile devices. This works by creating a mobile URL for the connection between your View and the Facebook app you created in the previous step.

    Note: You can only mobile-enable connections with custom apps, not apps that are shared with multiple Views. If you have created an app and used it to connect more than one View and Facebook tab pairs, it will not work on a mobile device.

    1. When the Final Steps popup opens when you are connecting a View to a Facebook page, Content & Apps will generate a Mobile URL for the connection between your View and the app you selected.
    2. Click the Update App on Facebook button. The mobile URL will be added on the app's page on Facebook.
    3. Select the checkbox labeled Mobile enable this Connection.
      Note: When this box is checked, non-mobile users will experience a slight delay in accessing the View as the page redirects.

    Creating a Custom Tab Name

    If you want your Tab to have a custom name, you will need to create a new Facebook app with the name you want.

    To create a Facebook app on Facebook:

    1. Go to and click the Add a New App button at the top of the page. The Add a New App modal will open.
    2. Click the Basic Setup link at the bottom of the modal. The Create a New App modal will open.
    3. Fill out the fields:
      • Display Name: The self-explanatory name for your app. This will only appear in the Developers section - this is not the name that will appear on your tab.
      • Namespace: This must be something unique, but it can be whatever you want, as long as it has 7 characters (lowercase letters, dashes, and underscores).
        Note: Though Facebook says this is optional, this step is required to attach the View correctly in Content & Apps.
      • Category: Select Apps for Pages from the drop-down menu.
    4. Click the Create App button.
    5. Enter the words for the security captcha, then click Submit. You'll be taken to the Dashboard page for your new app.

      Note: The Dashboard page has your app ID and secret. Copy these down, because you will need these for the next steps.

    6. Click Settings from the left side menu.
    7. Click the Basic section. You will need to take the following actions:
      • In the App Domain field, enter "".
      • Click + Add Platform and select Facebook Canvas from the pop up modal. This will add a section for Facebook Canvas.
        • In the Secure Canvas URL field, enter: "[YOUR-APP-ID]/". Note: You will find the App ID back on the Dashboard page for the app.
      • Click + Add Platform again, and this time select Website from the pop up modal. This will add a section for Website.
        • In the Site URL field, enter: “".
      • Click + Add Platform again, and this time click Page Tab from the pop up modal. This will add a section for Page Tab.
        • In the Secure Page Tab URL field, enter: "[YOUR-APP-ID]/facebook/tab". Note: You will find the App ID back on the Dashboard page for the app.

    All these steps are required to create a new app, so make sure you follow them all.

    To add your Facebook app on Content & Apps:

    1. Click the Connections tab in Content & Apps.
    2. Click My Apps and then click Add New App. The Add New App popup will appear.
    3. Fill out the following fields:
      • Tab Name: This is the name that will appear on Facebook as the name of your tab.
      • API Key or App ID: This can be found on the Dashboard page of the app you just created.
      • App Secret: This can be found on the Dashboard page of the app you just created.
      • Description (optional): Give your app a short description, like what View you intended to use it with.
    4. Click Create. Content & Apps will go to Facebook and fill in the rest of the information the app needs for you.

    Your app is now active in Content & Apps and is ready to power a View.

    About Age and Content Restrictions for Your Apps

    When you create a new app or edit an existing one, there are a couple extra actions you can add to further control what users can see and interact with on your Views. Let's go through them.

    Age Restrictions

    Say you are building a View that has content more appropriate for adults, like advertising for a new liquor. You may want to restrict that View so only users of a certain age can see it. You can do that by using the Age Restrictions drop down.

    You can select from five age groups (which correspond to Facebook's age classifications):

    • Everyone (13+): All Facebook users can see this View.
    • 17+: Only Facebook users who are 17 years old and above can see this View.
    • 18+: Only Facebook users who are 18 years old and above can see this View.
    • 19+: Only Facebook users who are 19 years old and above can see this View.
    • 21+: Only Facebook users who are 21 years old and above can see this View.

    Make your selection, then click the Update button. This will save your change in Content & Apps and will update the app on Facebook. You can come back and change these settings at any time.

    Content Restrictions

    This section allows the View to show content automatically based on the user's settings for that kind of content. Say for example that your View is advertising alcohol. When you select the Contains alcohol checkbox, a Facebook user will be able to see that content ONLY if their age matches their country's age restriction for alcohol. This way you can create content that can be used for multiple countries with different rules.

    After you seleck the checkbox, click the Update button. This will save your change in Content & Apps and update the app on Facebook. You can come back and change these settings at any time.

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