The Causes Module

    Your Facebook Page can serve as a rallying point for your fans to contribute to causes you value. Adding a Causes module to your page lets you tell your fans about a cause and allows them to donate.

    Adding Causes Modules to Views

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps help article.

    Once you have added a module and given it a name, the module will open for you to edit it or add content. Back on the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module - click the triangle for controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on your Facebook Tab until you click Publish.

    About Your Cause Details

    Once you've created a Causes module, you will need to populate it with information about your cause.

    When you drag-and-drop a Causes module onto a View, it will automatically open to the Edit page for the module. A form will appear allowing you to enter the following details:

    Note: Once you’ve created a cause, its details cannot be changed (though you can delete this cause and add another with the correct details). You can manage any photos you add to the cause, but the header and copy are set.

    • Title: The full name of your cause, such as "ACME Coffee Foundation."
    • Description: Information about the cause. A good addition is a link to an external Web site, if one is available.
    • Donate URL: A Donate button on your Causes module will open the page at this URL, where your fans should be able to donate.
    • Primary Image File: If your cause has a banner image, upload it here.

    When you've entered your information, click Create.

    About the Gallery

    Beneath your cause details is a Gallery section with a camera icon. You can upload images into this section if you want, like pictures from recent events, or from activities associated with the cause (for example, the Special Olympics might have a gallery of images from past events).

    About Metrics Recorded for Causes Modules

    Tabs captures metrics for:

    • Module views
    • Donate click-thru

    Customizing a Causes Module

    All customization happens in the brand CSS page.

    All modules take up 100% of the containers they are in, so you can resize them to whatever size you need with CSS.

    General Details

    There is an unlimited character count for the description of your cause.

    The photo sizes for the gallery are:

    • 80 x 80 pixels for the thumbnails, with a max width of 150 x 150 pixels.
    • 300 x 420 pixels for the large popup, with a max width of 640 x 480 pixels.

    The gallery of photos will display images in the following ways for each sector:

    • Right - 3 photos at a time horizontally. At the 4th photo add, the gallery will paginate.
    • Left - 3 photos at a time vertically. At the 4th photo added, the gallery will paginate.
    • Top/Bottom - 4 photos at a time horizontally. At the 5th photo added, the gallery will paginate.

    What Can I Customize?

    • Borders
    • Backgrounds for the module as a whole, description, photos
    • Next and Previous buttons for the photo gallery
    • Font on the photo captions
    • Share button for the photos
    • Donate button

    What is not Customizable?

    • The caption for a photo will always appear under the photo.
    • Once the cause title and description have been created, they cannot be edited.

    Class Name Constants

    There are 2 class name constants for a Causes module:

    • causes
    • module_container

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