The Posts Module

    With Content & Apps, you can re-create the Facebook Wall within your own branded environment. You can publish posts with pictures that your fans can comment on and allow your fans to add their own posts: just like your wall, but with the added bonus that you control what, and whether, visitors are allowed to post.

    Adding Posts Modules to Views

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps help article.

    Once you have added a module and given it a name, the module will open for you to edit it or add content. Back on the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module - click the triangle for controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on your Facebook Tab until you click Publish.

    Adding Text Posts to Posts Modules

    The Posts module controls are visible by default when you add the module. The controls let you add posts and modify the settings of the module. If you want to see the content more like how it's going to appear on your Facebook Page, click Hide controls.

    There are 2 text fields for you fill in:

    • Post Content - Type your text post here. You can use simple HTML tags in your text content, like <i> and <b> and <em> and <strong>. You can also include hyperlinks and use font color tags like <font color=green> if you like. As you type your message within the open text box, a Preview of your post will appear at the bottom of the module.

      Note: If you're not experienced in HTML, you may want to learn a bit about that before trying it.

    • Author - Type the name you want displayed as the author of this post. It can be anything you want, though Content & Apps will default fill the box using your brand and Content & Apps View name.

    Next to the Author field, you will see a button labeled Share. Don't click this button yet, you've still got some items to take care of. When you do click this button, the post will be published on your Facebook Page (provided you've already Published your Content & Apps View so that the new Posts module appears.)

    Next, there are a series of options you can enable or disable:

    • User Posting - Disable this if you don't want fans adding posts of their own to this Posts module.
    • User Commenting - Disable this if you don't want fans commenting on your posts in this Posts module.
    • User Liking - Disable this if you don't want to allow fans to click Like on your posts in this Posts module.
    • Paginate Comments - Enable this if you want your comments to move into pages when there are enough.

    There are 2 final options for you to select:

    • Attach- Click the camera icon to add an image to this post. You can select from images you've previously uploaded, or upload a new one. If you select an image, it will appear in the Preview section at the bottom of the module.

    • Posts From… - Select whether you want your fans to be able to make posts on in this module on Facebook, or only you will be able to post there. For only you to be able to post, click the link with name of your View on it. For your fans to be able to post, click Just Users.

    Now you can click Share.

    Note: When you add a Posts module, it will not appear on your Facebook Page until you click Publish. However, once you've published, when you click Share the post you've just created will automatically appear on your Facebook Page: you do not have to click Publish again to make them appear.

    Moderating Conversations

    Posts and comments from fans who visit your Facebook Page will appear in Oracle Social Marketing Content & Apps. At the top of the module you can select whether to display your posts, or posts from users only. This is a convenient filter, but is not reflected within Content & Apps — it is a setting for your session only, and users will have a similar control in the module when they view it on your Facebook Page.

    • You can review the comments and remove any that are inappropriate.

    • You can remove any posts that are no longer relevant, or that are just stale. It's a good idea to keep fresh content in your Posts module, unless you are using it for a static information box that doesn't have to change. In which case you may want to disable user posting and commenting.

    • You can disable Sharing on any particular post.

    About Metrics Recorded for the Posts Module

    Content & Apps captures metrics for:

    • Module views
    • Post comments
    • User posts

    Customizing Posts Modules

    All customization happens in the brand CSS page.

    All modules take up 100% of the containers they are in, so you can resize them to whatever size you need with CSS.

    General Rules

    • If you attach a photo to a post, the maximum width of 120 pixels. If the photo is larger than this, it will resize to 120 pixels wide. Photos can be made smaller, but not larger than 120 pixels.
    • The module displays 4 text posts. It paginates after the 5th is posted.

    Note: Though the module has commenting and sharing, this is not connected to Facebook. The comments live on the module on the tab.

    What Can I Customize?

    • All hover states
    • Colors and fonts of any text and links
    • Heading of the text post itself
    • Background of the entire module
    • Background for individual entries, but it will display as the same background for each entry
    • If an image is added to a post, the position of the image to the text content can be adjusted
    • Colors, font and links can be styled for the comments on a post
    • Comment, You Like This, and Share can all be styled or made into buttons

    What is Not Customizable?

    You cannot have a different background for each individual text post.

    Class Name Constants

    There are 2 class name constants in this module:

    • wall_posts
    • module_container

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