The Quiz Module

    The Quiz Module allows you to create quizzes for your fans to take and view the results in Oracle Social Marketing Content & Apps. You can use these quizzes to interact with your fans about your business or just to have fun.

    Adding a Quiz Module to a Content & Apps View

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps help article.

    Once you have added a module and have given it a name, the module will open for you for edits or to add content. Back on the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module. Click the triangle for controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on your Facebook Tab until you click Publish.

    Creating a Quiz in the Quiz Module

    When you drag-and-drop a Quiz module onto a View, it will automatically open to the edit page for that module. To add a quiz to a module you've already created:

    1. Next to your Quiz module you will see a callout bubble. Click on the green triangle next to the title. You can either create a new quiz, edit an existing quiz, or view the results of a previous quiz.
    2. Click New Quiz. A window will appear where you can add the following details to your quiz:
      • Title - Enter a name for your quiz. This will appear on your Facebook Page and will also be used to keep track of results when you have multiple quizzes. You will be able to see the results of past quizzes in the Oracle Social Marketing Content & Apps interface, so be sure to give each quiz a unique title.
      • Attach Poll Image - Click this button to add an image that will appear on your quiz.
      • Description - Enter text describing what you're after with this quiz, or use it to entice your fans to take the quiz.
      • Quiz Question - Enter the question for your quiz. You can only have one question per quiz.
      • Quiz Answer - There are 3 text fields to create an answer option for your quiz.
      • Add ® - If an answer to your quiz is a product, you may want to indicate that it is a registered trademark. Click Add ® to put a ® onto the end of the answer.
      • Correct answer? - Identify which of the quiz answers is the correct one by selecting this box next to the correct answer.
      • Add Another Option Field By default the Quiz module displays three answer boxes, but you can add up to 50 options.
    3. Click Create Quiz to finish your poll.

    Note: You can add multiple Quiz modules to your page, but each module can contain only one quiz.

    If you've just added your Quiz module, you will need to publish it to make it visible on Facebook. From your View layout page, click Publish to Facebook.

    Viewing Quiz Results

    1. In the quiz callout bubble, click the green triangle next to the title.
    2. Click View Results. You will see a new page with your quiz's results.

    Replacing a Quiz with a New One

    If you want to change the quiz that's in your module now, just click Add New and fill out the form. Your new poll will replace the current one in the module.

    IMPORTANT: If you do replace a quiz in an existing module, the old quiz and its results will be deleted.

    Metrics Recorded for the Quiz Module

    Content & Apps captures metrics for:

    • Module views
    • Quiz votes

    Customizing a Quiz Module

    All customization happens in the brand CSS page:

    All modules take up 100% of the containers they are in, so you can resize them to whatever size you need with CSS.

    General Rules

    • There is no character limit for the quiz description or quiz options.
    • The quiz question has a character limit of 256 characters.
    • The quiz description, question, and option fields support HTML.
    • Image source code can be entered into the option field to make the quiz option an image.
    • Quiz image will be resized to a maximum width of 80 pixels

    What Can I Customize?

    • Fonts and colors of text.
    • Vote button and Share buttons can be customized.
    • Quiz results can be moved, but it is very tricky.
      Developer Hint: There is a container around the quiz results, but not around the quiz itself. Hence, moving the results to the side of the quiz can be difficult.
    • Quiz description can be moved from the top to the bottom.
    • Bar color for the results can be customized with a solid color or an image, but all the bars will look the same.
    • If you choose to display the quiz results as a pie chart, you can modify the colors that appear, but that has to be done in the Brand Settings CSS area of Content & Apps.
    • Radio button can be moved up and down in relation to the answer.

    What Is Not Customizable?

    • Option buttons cannot be customized, unless they are multi-select options.
    • The text that appears after a user answers the quiz, "Correct. The answer is …" or "Incorrect. The right answer is…", cannot be changed.

    Class Name Constants

    There are 2 class name constants for a Quiz module:

    • polls
    • module_container

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