The Fan Media Module

    The Fan Media module creates a place on your page where your fans can upload and display their own photos and funny pictures. We've also built in moderation, so you can make sure that only the content you think is appropriate will be displayed.

    Adding a Fan Media module to a Content & Apps View

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps help article.

    Once you have added a module and given it a name, the module will open for you to edit it or add content. Back on the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module - click the triangle for controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on your Facebook Tab until you click Publish.

    Setting Up Your Fan Media Module

    When you drag-and-drop a Fan Media module onto a View, it will automatically open to the edit page for that module. To set up a module you've already created:

    1. Next to your Fan Media module you’ll see a callout bubble. Click the green triangle next to the title to show your options.
    2. Click Edit Settings.
    3. You will be taken to the Content tab within the module. Click the Settings tab.
    4. Moderation is automatically on for this module. If you want images to automatically display in this module, clear the option on this page.
    5. If you want any text to appear on the module above the Upload button, enter it here in the text field provided.
    6. When you are finished, click Save Changes.

    Moderating Your Fan Media Module

    1. Next to your Fan Media module you’ll see a callout bubble. Click the green triangle next to the title to show your options.
    2. Click Edit Settings.
    3. You will be taken to the Content tab within the module.
    4. Any new images users have uploaded will be shown in the Pending area.

      To approve an image, select the option on the image, select Accept from the Action drop-down list, then click the OK button. The image will move into the Accepted section.

      If an image is pending that you do not want displayed, select the option on the image, select Delete from the Action drop-down list, then click OK. The image will be deleted.

      Note: An image can be moved from the Accepted section back into Pending at any time. Select the option on the image, select Move to Pending from the Action drop-down list, then click OK. The image will be deleted.

    5. Once you have moved an image into the Accepted section, it will appear on the Fan Media module on Facebook. You do not have to click Publish to Facebook to make it appear.

    About Metrics Recorded for the Fan Media Module

    Content & Apps captures metrics for:

    • Module views
    • Photos uploaded

    Customizing a Fan Media Module

    All customization happens in the brand CSS page:

    All modules take up 100% of the containers they are in, so you can resize them to whatever size you need with CSS.

    General Details

    • The upload text field has no character limit.
    • The upload text does not support HMTL.
    • The image thumbnail will display as 150 x 150 pixels.
    • The image popup will scale to display at a max width of 810 pixels.

    The module will display images in the following ways in each sector:

    • Right - 3 images at a time horizontally. It paginates after the 4th photo is added.
    • Left - 3 images vertically. It paginates after the 4th is added.
    • Top/Bottom - 4 images horizontally. It paginates after the 4th photo is added.

    What Can I Customize?

    • Buttons
    • Font, color and size of the upload text.

    What is not Customizable?

    • Upload text always appears below the images.

    Class Name Constants

    There are 2 class name constants for a Fan Media module:

    • medias
    • module_container

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