The Social Media Mixer Module

    The Social Media Mixer Module allows you to provide a dynamic gallery of media pulled directly from your brand and/or users via Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and/or Ditto.

    Note: While this module works in any position on your View, it displays best in the full width module position.

    In this article:

    Adding the Social Media Mixer Modules to Content & Apps Views

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View help article.

    Once you have added a module and given it a name, the module will open for you to edit it or add content. On the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module - click the triangle to show the controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on your Facebook tab or Intelligence Center view until you click Publish.

    Editing Social Media Mixer Modules

    When you drag-and-drop a Social Media Mixer module onto a View, it will automatically open to the edit screen for that module.

    In the edit screen, you'll see two tabs: Settings and Moderation. The Settings tab is where you will configure your module, and the Moderation tab is where you will choose what social content will be displayed in the module.

    You can also export all the content uploaded to the module by clicking the Export Submissions button on top right of the Edit Social Media Mixer screen.

    About the Settings Tab

    You can control various aspects of the module using the following tabs, which appear on the on the Settings tab:

    1. Campaign - The Campaign tab allows you to enter the campaign name (required), as well as the campaign start and end dates. Once the end date occurs, the module will stop pulling in content. The default end date is 1 month out from the campaign start date.
      Note: The module uses the timezone you set for your View, so make sure your View is set correctly to the timezone you want. This affects the time stamp you will see on the posts the module is pulling in.
    2. Content - The Content tab allows you to select what social mediums you would like to render within your module.
      Note: Hashtags are case-sensitive.
      • Instagram
        • On/Off - Turn Instagram feed on by selecting the On button.
        • Retrieve By - There are four options you may select from to pull media from Instagram:
          Note: The module will only import initial captions with your media. Captions edited natively on Instagram after content has been pulled into the module will not update within the module.
          • Username - Pull media from a specified user account(s). Input the username of an Instagram account that you would like to display within the module.
          • Hashtag(s) - Pull media from specific hashtag(s) posted to Instagram. Input one or more hashtags you would like to pull from Instagram.
            Note: Do not include the # sign with your tags and be sure to separate each with a space.
          • Username and Hashtag(s) - Pull media from a specific username and based on hashtag(s).
            Note: This option will pull media from a specific user in addition to posts by users who have used specified hashtag(s).
          • Hashtag(s) from Username - Pull media from a specific username, and filter those posts by hashtag(s).
            Note: This option will filter media with a specific hashtag from the specified user. No other Instagram users will be pulled into the module.
      • Twitter
        • On/Off - Turn your Twitter feed on by selecting the On button.
          Note: This feature will pull both text and photo uploads from Twitter.
        • Retweets
          • On - The module will pull and save Tweets that have been flagged as a retweet by Twitter.
          • Reject - The module will pull and save Tweets that have been flagged as a retweet by Twitter, but will automatically reject them.

            Note: If you have existing Tweets in your campaign, setting this to Reject gives you the option to automatically reject existing posts in your campaign.

          • Ignore - The module will not pull in Tweets that have been flagged as a retweet by Twitter.
        • Retrieve By - There are four options you may select from to pull media from Twitter:

          Note: The module will only import initial captions with your media. Captions and edited natively on Twitter after content has been pulled into the module will not update within the module.)

          • Username - Pull media from a specified user account(s). Input the username of a Twitter account that you would like to display within the module.
          • Hashtag(s) - Pull media from specific hashtag(s) posted to Twitter. Input one or more hashtags you would like to pull from Twitter.
            Note: Do not include the # sign with your tags and be sure to separate each with a space.
          • Username and Hashtag(s) - Pull media from a specific username and based on hashtag(s).
            Note: This option will pull media from a specific user in addition to posts by users who have used specified hashtag(s).
          • Hashtag(s) from Username - Pull media from a specific username, and filter those posts by hashtag(s).
            Note: This option will filter media with a specific hashtag from the specified user. No other Twitter users will be pulled into the module.
      • Facebook
        • On/Off - Turn your Facebook feed on by selecting the On button.
        • Retrieve by: - You have two options: you can choose to pull content from a particular Facebook brand page, or filter posts from a particular brand page based on the designated hashtag(s).
          • Brand - Enter the name of the Facebook Page you want to pull in content from. You can use two sources if you separate the names with a space.
          • Hashtag(s) from Brand - Enter the hashtags you would like to filter by.
            • Note: Do not include the # sign with your tags and be sure to separate each with a comma.
            • Note: Only Public posts will pull into the module.
      • YouTube
        • On/Off - Turn your YouTube feed on by selecting the On button.
        • Content Pull - You have two options:
          • YouTube Playlist - Pull media from a YouTube Playlist. The PlayList ID is the set of alphanumeric characters at the end of the playlist URL and begins with the letters PL.
          • Profile Image URL - Pull the Profile image to display with your YouTube media. Enter the YouTube Profile URL.
      • Ditto
        • On/Off - Turn your Ditto Labs feed on by selecting the On button.
          Note: This integration is only available to licensed Ditto Labs users.
        • Client ID - Enter your Client ID provided by Ditto Labs and click List Brands. Select the On button to turn on the brand(s) that you would like to be displayed within the module.

        Note: For more info on the Ditto/Oracle integration, please see

    3. Layout - The Layout tab allows you to configure what your content will look like and how it will be displayed within the front-end display.
      • Template - Select one of five possible pre-determined Templates.
      • Gallery Order - Select the order in which content will be displayed in the module.
        • Chronological Ascending – Oldest Post will be displayed first.
        • Chronological Descending – Newest Post will be displayed first.
        • Random – Posts will be displayed in random order.
      • Items Per Page - Choose how many items you want displayed per page.
      • Media Filter - Choose to allow users to navigate and filter media displayed within the module by social media type.
      • Display Usernames - Choose to display the content owner’s username beneath the content thumbnail or post.
      • Display Tags - Choose to display any hashtags beneath the content thumbnail or post.
      • Display Timestamps - Choose to display the timestamp beneath the content thumbnail or post.
      • Post Fading – Choose to have the posts fade in/out.

        Note: This only applies to Tile, Flex Grid and Flex Tile.

      • Media to Display - Select what content you would like to display. You can choose to select any combination of: Text, Photos, Videos.
    4. Social - The Social Tab will allow you to turn on your social buttons and enter your custom share title and share description for the application.
      • Share Title - Input the desired title for you module’s share post.
      • Share Description - Input the desired description for your module’s share post.
        Note: Share description is limited to 140 characters.
    5. Advanced - The Advanced tab allows for additional customizations to the module.
      • Moderation - Select to turn moderation on or off.
        Note: If moderation is turned off, content pulled into the module will be automatically approved.
      • Edit Blacklisted Terms – Allows you to specify a set of words or phrases that will be blacklisted. A post containing any word or phrase from the blacklisted terms will automatically rejected, regardless of whether moderation is on or off.
      • JavaScript URL - Insert external scripts into the Social Media Mixer module for additional configuration and content rendering.

        Note: The file must be hosted on a secure (https) server in order for it to load.

      • CSS URL – Insert external CSS into the Social Media Mixer for added styling and customization.

        Note: The file must be hosted on a secure (https) server in order for it to load.

      • Google Analytics - Input your Google Analytics ID and Domain.
      • Display URL - Creates an embed URL that allows the campaign to be viewed or embedded outside of Facebook or on a 3rd party site.
      • Generate a JSON Data URL - Creates a URL that is the raw data output of the module. Only approved posts will be shown in the Data URL.
      • Reset Your Campaign Content - This will wipe the database of media in your moderation.
      • Remove Invalid Images - If any media has been removed natively from any of the content types, the content is not automatically removed from the module. This button will test all content pulled into the module and validate that each is live. This prevents broken links to be produced within the module.
    6. Saving Your Settings

      Once you have finished selecting all your settings, click the Save button and the module will start pulling in content.

      The Social Media Mixer pulls in new content every 30 minutes. Clicking the Save button will pull in new content, so if you want to manually pull in content, you can click the Save button.

      Note on APIs and Query Limits

      Each social network has a limit on the number of results you can return for each query. Here are the numbers of results you can expect from each network the Social Media Module queries:

      • Twitter tags: 100 every 30 min per tag
      • Twitter users: 200 every 30 mins per username
      • Instagram tags: 33 every 30 mins per tag
      • Instagram user: 33 every 30 mins per user
      • Facebook: 50 every 30 mins per brand
      • Ditto: 250 every 30 mins per ID
      • YouTube: 50 for both Playlist and Channel

      Note: These numbers are estimates and results may vary.

      About the Moderation Tab

      The Moderation tab will show all of the content that has been pulled into the campaign. You can also see at a glance details about each post including timestamps, post text, usernames, hashtags, media, content source, post type, image dimensions, and the post status (pending, approved, rejected).

      Note: If you don't turn moderation on, all content pulled into the campaign will automatically approved.

      Bulk Actions

      • Approve: This gives you the ability to either approve all Pending posts in the campaign or approve only posts that are visible based on the sorting and filtering.
      • Reject: This gives you the ability to either reject all Pending posts in the campaign or reject only the posts that are visible based on the sorting and filtering.


      Content can be filtered by Source (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Ditto), Media Type (Text, Images, Video), and Status (Pending, Approved, Rejected). Click the icon that you want to filter by. It can also be sorted by import date/created date, as well fully searched by keyword (such as RT for retweets).

      Manually Approving Content

      Each post pulled into the campaign will have the following information:

      • Username of the poster
      • Status
      • Button to change status - If you want to approve, reject, or place the item back in pending, use these icons.
        Note: Once you click the Approve or Reject icon, the media will become available or be removed from view in the selected template or in the JSON data feed.
      • Details - Clicking this button opens a modal for a more detailed and larger view of the post.
      • Post indicators - You'll see the icons for the source, post type, and status of the media.
      • Preview - A preview of the post is on the right, with a time stamp, the message itself, any hashtags, and if there’s an image or video the thumbnail with the dimensions of the full size media.

      Your media is paginated at the bottom of the module, showing a maximum of 100 posts per page.

      Displaying Social Media Mixer Modules

      Once you have set up your Social Media Mixer module, you can add it to an Intelligence Center view in Social Station, link it to a Facebook page, or view it via the Display URL in a browser.

      Social Station

      To display the Social Media Mixer module properly in Social Station, you'll need to do two steps: generate an embed code, and click the Publish button.

      • To generate your embed code, follow the steps in the Embedding a View help article.
      • Once you have followed those steps to embed the view, click the Publish button at the top right of the view.

      Attaching to a Facebook page

      To attach your Social Media Mixer to a Facebook page, make you’re your view is published. For more information, follow the instructions on Making a View Live on Facebook.

      Displaying the Social Media Mixer in a browser

      You can use the Display URL located in the module settings to generate a URL that can be used, for example, on a brand website, a large screen at a conference, or in a command center.

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