Brand Templates - Creating Content for Your Entire Brand

    We've taken the idea of Content & Apps brand-wide content and taken it to a whole new level - the View level, to be exact. Previously you only had one set of content and CSS that applied to every View on your account. Now you have templates - sets of content and CSS that you can apply to individual Views. You can create multiple templates to use for specific campaigns or for different properties under your brand.

    Don't worry, your previous brand wide content hasn't gone anywhere. It's saved as your default brand template.

    You can work with the Brand Templates section if you are an Oracle Social Marketing customer.

    About Templates

    Templates make it easy to create consistent messaging and appearance for your Views, especially when you run specific campaigns or if you want different areas of your brand's identity to have their own look and feel.

    About Old Brand-Wide Content

    Don't worry, your previous brand-wide content hasn't gone anywhere - it's saved as your default brand template. When you first click on the Brand Templates tab, you'll see it in your list of templates.

    Finding Brand Templates

    The Brand Templates tab is where you can create new templates and edit your existing ones. When you first arrive on the page, you'll see a list of the templates you've already created.

    Note: Sorry, Editors and Authors, only Administrators can create and edit templates, so only Administrators will see the Brand Templates tab.

    Use the gear icon to edit an existing template or click Create New Template to begin building a new template.

    Creating a New Template

    So you've clicked Create New Template - what now?

    A box will appear where you can give your template a name, then click Create Template. You'll be taken to the Add Content section.

    Adding Content to Your Template

    The first tab you land on after you create your template is the Add Content tab. This is where you will add modules and content to your template. If you've built a View before, you know how to build a template.

    You'll add modules and content to your template exactly the way you add it to a View - drag and drop those modules like they're hot. You can use all the same modules you would use on a regular View in a template.

    Need a reminder of what modules you can choose from, or how to add them? Re-read the Building a View help article.

    Other Options

    Beneath the module library, you'll see a section labeled Other Options. There are two options there for you: Manage Graphic Assets and CSS Id List.

    • Manage Graphic Assets: If you have an image you want to share with other users on your Content & Apps account, you can upload that image here. It will appear in the "Existing Assets" at the top of the page, and in the
    • CSS Id List: This is a list of the approved and used CSS classes and elements in Content & Apps. A very handy reference for your coders.

    Publishing Your Template

    Once you are finished adding modules and content to your template, click Publish. Your template will be saved and the content will appear on Facebook when you publish a View. The template will also appear in the list on the Brand Templates home page.

    Editing Your Template Settings

    If you need to change some basic settings for your template, click the Template Settings text link.

    A menu will open and you can change your template's name, base CSS, or View layout width.
    Not sure what base CSS or View layout width are? See the Choosing Your Base CSS and Facebook Timeline in Content & Apps help article.

    Change what you need, then click Save Settings.

    Using CSS in Your Template

    Want to edit your template's background or fonts? You can change those, or anything else that takes CSS, on the Edit Brand Template CSS tab.

    Note: Do not make changes to this page unless you are familiar with CSS coding language.

    Enter CSS into the text field and when you are finished, click Save. The CSS will be saved and applied to your template.

    About Previous CSS Versions

    If you make a mistake or need to return to an earlier set of styling, the previous versions of CSS you have saved will appear in the Previous Revisions section on the right hand side of the screen.

    You can also clear all CSS back to the original base CSS by clicking the Reset Default text link next to Save.

    Using Templates with My Views

    So now you have some templates. What do you do with them?

    When you create a View, you'll see it appear in the Brand Template menu.

    Choose the template you want the View to use and the modules, content, and CSS you've set in the template will appear automatically in the View.

    About What's Next

    Now that you know how to build Views and Brand Templates, let's go over what you can do with each module in the module library, starting with the Banner module.

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