The Coupons Module

    You can quickly and easily add promotional coupons to your Content & Apps View by adding the Coupons module. This module does most of the work for you, providing an easy "Print" option for your visitors. What's more, each coupon is personalized with the user's Facebook name and a coupon code that you create.

    Adding the Coupons Module to a Content & Apps View

    All modules are added to a View in the same way with our drag-and-drop interface. To get more information on this, see the Building a View: Adding Modules and Content to Views in Content & Apps help article.

    Once you have added a module and given it a name, the module will open for you to edit it or add content. Back on the View layout, you'll see a callout bubble next to your module - click the triangle for controls for your module. This callout will not appear on your published View and your new module will not appear on your Facebook Tab until you click Publish.

    Creating a Coupon

    To begin, you will need an image of your coupon in JPEG, GIF, or PNG format.

    When you drag-and-drop a Coupons module onto a View, it will automatically open to the edit page for that module. To add a coupon to a module you've already created:

    1. Next to your Coupons module you’ll see a callout bubble. Click the green triangle next to the title to show your options.
    2. Click Add Coupon. A window will appear.
    3. Title your coupon and give it a code, if you wish. These will appear on the coupon when it is printed. The code is for your reference; for example, to track campaigns.
    4. You can also require users to login to see the coupon. Click the checkbox to enable this option.
    5. To upload your coupon image, click Choose File. Find the image you created and click Open.
      Note: You can only have one image on each Coupon module. Trying to add additional images will cause an error.
    6. Once you have uploaded your image, click Create Coupon. Your coupon will appear in the module.

    You will need to check the printable version of your coupon, which your customers will present for redemption. After clicking Create Coupon, a Print link will appear under your coupon on the layout page. Click that link to open the printable coupon on another tab or window in your browser.

    Note: Once a coupon is created, it can’t be modified. However, you can create a new one with the correct information, and delete the old.

    About Metrics Recorded for the Coupons Module

    Content & Apps captures metrics for:

    • Module views
    • Coupons printed

    Customizing a Coupons Module

    All customization happens in the brand CSS page.

    All modules take up 100% of the containers they are in, so you can resize them to whatever size you need with CSS.

    General Details

    A coupon's default size is 506 x 506 pixels, with a max size of 810 pixels. Any size image will be scaled down.

    What Can I Customize?

    • Background around the coupon image
    • Coupon size can be made smaller
    • Can add a border
    • The overlay is editable

    What is Not Customizable?

    • The coupon preview, the "View Coupon" image, is not editable.
    • "Click to View Coupon" text cannot be changed. However, you can replace it with an image.

    Class Name Constants

    There are 2 class name constants for a Coupons module:

    • coupons
    • module_container

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