1 Overview of the Platform Development Studio

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Communication Services Gatekeeper Platform Development Studio that you use to create or extend communication services.

About Platform Development Studio

Services Gatekeeper Platform Development Studio provides tools you can use to:

  • Create communication services

  • Customize existing communication services

  • Integrate Services Gatekeeper with external systems

About Creating Communication Services and Plug-ins

You can expose your network's new features to partners using Platform Development Studio. Extension developers can then focus on only those parts of the system that correspond directly to their specific needs.

About Platform Development Studio Wizard

Platform Development Studio Wizard (PDS Wizard) is an Eclipse plug-in that streamlines the task of creating these Services Gatekeeper extensions:

  • Communication Services

  • Interceptor Modules

  • OAuth2 Extension Handlers

  • Platform Test Environment Custom Modules

For example, when you supply some basic naming information and the location of a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for each application-facing interface that the communication service supports, the wizard generates either a complete communication service project, or a network plug-in only project, as required. For more information about running the wizard, see "Creating Extensions with Platform Development Studio Wizard".

To get an understanding of the Services Gatekeeper features with which your communication service will interact, see these sections:

Platform Development Studio Wizard offers XML-to-JSON mapping capability so you can map REST data to SOAP and back.

About the Example Communication Service

Platform Development Studio contains an example communication service that is ready to build and run. This example is based on a basic Web Service interface and a basic underlying network protocol. It demonstrates the entire range of tasks required to create your own communication service. For more information, see "Communication Service Example".

See "Service Enabler Example with SIP plug-in" for an example network protocol plug-in that uses the SIP Servlet container.

About Testing New Communication Services

You can test your communication service by using the Platform Test Environment (PTE) graphical user interface of the Platform Development Studio. PTE provides an extensible suite of tools for testing communication services and the Unit Test Framework, which includes the WlngBaseTestCase abstract base class which connects to the Platform Test Environment (PTE). There is a also complete set of sample tools created to interact with the example communication service. See Services Gatekeeper Platform Test Environment User's Guide for more information.

Integrating and Customizing Communication Services

You can customize the following services using Platform Development Studio:

Intercepting Requests with Service Interceptors

Service interceptors offer an easy way to modify the request flow, simplify routing mechanisms for plug-ins, and centralize policy and SLA enforcement. Services Gatekeeper uses these modules as part of its internal functioning.

You can use service interceptors to intercept a service request and manipulate the request as it flows through a communication service. You can also choose to create new interceptors, or to rearrange the order in which the interceptors are used, in order to customize their functionality. See "Using Service Interceptors to Manipulate Requests" for more information.

Creating Subscriber-centric Policies with SLAs

Network operators can use the default Services Gatekeeper administration model to manage application service provider access to the network at increasingly granular levels. Network operators can also extend that model to encompass subscribers and offer them a highly personalized experience while protecting their privacy and keeping their subscriber data safe within your operator domain. See "Using SLA Policies to Manage Subscribers" for more information.

Integrating Communication Services with External Systems

You can use Platform Development Studio to integrate Services Gatekeeper with external network systems, including:

Additional integration points not covered in this document include: