4 Installing and Deploying MetaSolv Solution on a Single Server

This chapter describes how to perform a full installation of the Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution (MSS) release and explains how to set up the MSS application server for a single server installation. This chapter covers the Oracle WebLogic server domain configuration, including the installation and deployment of the MSS application server.

About Single Server Installation

A single server installation is one in which a single WebLogic server instance hosts the MSS application server process.

This section describes how to:

  • Create a WebLogic domain for a single server.

  • Install the MSS application server software.

  • Deploy MSS to the single server.

Figure 4-1 shows the basic steps for installing MSS on a single server. The figure is an expansion of step 5 of the basic installation process shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 4-1 Single Server Installation

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Single Server Installation"

Before You Start

  • Print and complete the following planning worksheets:

    • Application server common installation worksheet. See Table C-1.

    • Single server installation worksheet. See Table C-2.

    • Some steps in the procedures for the WebLogic domain configuration and the MSS installation refer to the worksheets. Each value that you are asked to enter has a worksheet reference number.

  • Review "Pre-requisites for the Latest MSS Release" and make sure all tasks listed that apply to your installation are completed.

Creating a Single Server WebLogic Domain

To create a single server domain, perform the following:

  1. From the Administration Server, start the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard by doing one of the following:

    • For UNIX/Linux platforms, this program (config.sh) is located in the following directory: MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin.

    • For Windows platforms, this program (config.cmd) is located in the following directory: MW_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin.

    The Configuration Type window appears.

  2. Select Create a new domain and in the Domain location field, enter the full path for the domain or click Browse to navigate to the domain home directory (for example, /opt/m63Single/single/m63domain/), and then click Next.

    The Templates window appears.

  3. Select the Create Domain Using Product Templates option and then the appropriate items from the provided list. You must select WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension, and the WebLogic JAX-WS SOAP/JMS Extension is optional depending on your requirements.

    • WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension - Version [oracle_common] - You must select this JAX-WS template for MSS Web Services as it is mandatory during the creation of an MSS domain.

    • WebLogic JAX-WS SOAP/JMS Extension - Version [oracle_common] - You select this template for SOAP over JMS Web Services or if you built custom web services that are SOAP over JMS.

    where Version is the Oracle WebLogic version.

    See "Software Requirements" for information on required WebLogic software version.

    See Oracle Fusion Middleware Domain Template Reference for more information on WebLogic templates.

  4. Click Next.

    The Administrator Account window appears.

  5. Enter a user name and password and verify the password by retyping, then click Next.

    Worksheet references and example values:

    Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

    User name



    User password



    You need to make a note of the user name and password. You need them for the administration console login.

    The Domain Mode and JDK window appears.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • If you are installing for company operations, select the Production Mode.

    • If you are installing to do integration development or testing, select Development Mode.

  7. Select the Other JDK Location option, browse to the location of another JDK, select the JDK version, and then click Next. See "Software Requirements" for the information on the required software versions.

    The Other JDK Location option is supported for both UNIX/Linux and Windows platforms.

    The Advanced Configuration window appears.

  8. Select Administration Server and click Next.

    The Administration Server window appears.

  9. Do the following:

    1. In the Server Name field, enter the Administration Server name.

      This single server serves as the MSS domain Administration Server.

    2. In the Listen Address field, select a DNS or an IP address.

      If you are creating an IPv6 domain, you must specify the IPv6 address in the Listen Address field.

      (Optional) If your firewall configuration does not support IPv6 addresses, you must enable HTTP tunneling in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. See "Enabling HTTP Tunneling" for more information.

    3. In the Listen Port field, accept the default.

    4. Select the Enable SSL check box if you want to enable SSL.

      It is not a requirement to either enable or disable SSL.

      If you decide to enable SSL, ensure that you configure SSL for WebLogic Server. See "Configuring SSL for WebLogic Server" for more information.

    5. In the SSL Listen Port field, enter a port that is not used by another domain.

      This field is enabled only if you selected the Enable SSL check box.

      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value




      Listen address



      Listen port



      SSL Listen port

      Note: If using SSL, use this parameter.



  10. Click Next.

    The Configuration Summary window appears.

  11. Review the summary to verify the contents of your domain and click Create to create the domain.

    The Configuration Progress screen appears, which displays the progress of the domain creation process.

  12. After the progress indicator shows the percentage completion of the process as 100%, click Next.

    The Configuration Success screen appears.

  13. Click Finish.

  14. To verify the domain setup, start the server by completing the following steps:

    1. Run startWebLogic.sh (UNIX/Linux) or startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) in the domain directory.

      The domain directory is the name you specified during configuration.

      For example: /opt/m63Single/single/m63domain

    2. Type your administrator user name and password, when prompted, to start the server.

      The server takes a few moments to start. You will see information scroll on the screen. When the server has successfully started, you will see the words RUNNING mode at the prompt.

Configuring SSL for WebLogic Server

For information about public and private keys, about identity and trust keystores, and how to create and configure them in the WebLogic Administration Console, see the Fusion Middleware Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

To configure SSL for WebLogic Server:

  1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment, and then click Servers.

    The Summary of Servers screen appears.

  3. Click the AdminServer link.

    The Settings for AdminServer screen appears.

  4. Click the Configuration tab, and then click the Keystores tab.

  5. From the Keystores list, select Custom Identity and Custom Trust.

  6. Do the following:

    • Under the Identity section, do the following:

      1. In the Custom Identity Keystore field, enter the full path for the identity keystore. For example, /opt/stores/identity.jks.

      2. In the Custom Identity Keystore Type field, enter the type of the keystore. Typically, this attribute is Java KeyStore (JKS); if you leave this field blank, it defaults to jks.

      3. In the Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase field, enter the password you will enter when reading or writing to the keystore.

      4. In the Confirm Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase field, enter the password again.

    • Under the Trust section, do the following:

      1. In the Custom Trust Keystore field, enter the full path for the trust keystore. For example, /opt/stores/trust.jks

      2. In the Custom Trust Keystore Type field, enter the type of the keystore. Typically, this attribute is JKS; if you leave this field blank, it defaults to jks.

      3. In the Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase field, enter the password you will enter when reading or writing to the keystore.

      4. In the Confirm Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase field, enter the password again.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click the SSL tab and do the following:

    • Under the Identity section, do the following:

      1. In the Private Key Alias field, enter the private key for WebLogic Server from the keystore. For example, mycert.

      2. In the Private Key Passphrase field, enter the password you specified when loading the private key for WebLogic Server into the keystore.

      3. In the Confirm Private Key Passphrase field, enter the password again.

    • Under the Trust section, under Advanced, from the Hostname Verification list, select None.

  9. Click Save.


    Before you install MetaSolv Solution in an IPv6 domain, ensure that your firewall configuration supports IPv6 addresses. If your firewall configuration does not support IPv6 addresses, you must enable HTTP tunneling in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. See "Enabling HTTP Tunneling" for more information.

  10. In the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes, which activates these changes.

  11. Open the MSLV_Home\m63domain\config\config.xml file and add the following cipher suite entry for the SSL server:

  12. (Optional) After updating the demo certificate to custom certificate, if the managed server that you are starting still points to the demo certificate, update the startMSLVManaged.sh or startMSLVmanaged.cmd file to include the following Java options:


    If you observe similar issues on the proxy server, update the startProxyServer.sh or startProxyServer.cmd startup script file to include the same Java options mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

  13. To call MSS Web services using the HTTPS port in an SSL environment (where the HTTP port is disabled), do the following:

    1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    2. On the Home page, under Domain Configurations, click the Domain link.

    3. Click the Configuration tab, and then click the JTA subtab.

    4. Click Advanced to display advanced configuration options.

    5. From the Web Service Transactions Transport Security Mode list, select SSL Required.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click Activate Changes.

      You can now call MSS Web services using the HTTPS port:


Installing the Self-Signed Certificate on the Client Machine

To install the self-signed certificate on the client machine:

  1. Open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL:


    A security warning message appears.

  2. Click Continue to this website.

  3. Click the certificate errors in red.

  4. Click View Certificates.

  5. Click Install Certificate.

    The Certificate Import Wizard appears.

  6. Select the Place all certificates in the following store option.

  7. Click Browse beside the Certificate Store: field.

    The Select Certificate Store window appears.

  8. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.

  9. Complete the installation of the certificate.

  10. Close all instances of Internet Explorer and start the MSS client.

Installing and Deploying MSS

This section explains how to install and deploy MSS.


  • The instructions for creating the domain configuration included starting the server after the configuration was complete. Leave the server running until you are instructed to shut it down.

  • Ensure that the following environmental variables are set:


where Version is the JDK software version. To install and deploy MSS, do the following:

  1. From directory where the file was downloaded, enter the following command:

    java -jar MSS.RreleaseNumber.bbuild_AppServerInstaller.jar

    where releaseNumber is the MSS software release version and build is the build number. For example:

    java -jar MSS.R6_3.b400_AppServerInstaller.jar


    For 64-bit systems, use the following java_options parameter: -d64.

    The Select MetaSolv home directory window appears.

  2. From the Look In list, click the down arrow and select a directory in which the installer files can be stored and used during the installation process, then click Select.

    A directory named installer is automatically created in the selected directory. Oracle recommends choosing your MSLV_Home directory for this task.

    The installer auto-launches the installation process by invoking setup.sh (UNIX/Linux) or setup.cmd (Windows) in the MSLV_Home/installer directory.

    Worksheet references and example values:

    Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

    File Name




    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation - Choose Install Type window appears.

  4. Select Full Installation on WebLogic Server with JAX-WS Domain and click Next.

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation - Full Select Server window appears.

  5. Do the following:

    1. In the Admin Host field, enter the host name or the IP address of the administration server.

      If you are creating an IPv6 domain, you must specify the IPv6 address in the Admin Host field.

      (Optional) If you are creating the cluster in an IPv6 domain in a dual-stack machine, ensure that you specify the IPv6 address and the system name in the etc/hosts file, as follows:

      IPv6address                 ipv6machine@example.com    ipv6machine


      The MetaSolv Solution installer does not support the use of virtual IP address during installation. If you specify a virtual IP address during installation, the installer does not display the following:

      • The check box to select the server you want MSS installed on.

      • The following configuration tabs:


        Oracle Database

        Oracle RAC




      If your configuration requires the use of virtual IP address, you must specify the physical IP address during installation. After the installation is complete, you can change the server's listen address to the virtual IP address, and then restart the WebLogic server. See "Changing an IP Address" for more information.

    2. In the Port# field, enter the port number of the administration server.

    3. In the User ID field, enter the user name for the administration server.

    4. In the Pass field, enter the password for the administration server.

      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

      Admin Host




      Admin-0260, Admin-0270

      7001 (HTTP port), 7002 (HTTPS port)

      User ID






    5. (Optional) If you want to install and deploy MSS using the SSL port, leave the Connect to WebLogic using SSL check box selected (which the installer selects by default).

      See the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for information about configuring keystores.

    6. In the Key Store Location field, enter the path for the keystore or click Browse to navigate to the keystore location. The keystore should be referred to in the trust.jks file.

  6. Click GO.

    The installer queries the Admin Host machine and returns with values you entered during the configuration of the WebLogic domain. This process can take a few moments.

    If the domain does not have a JAX-WS template applied, then the following message is displayed:

    Please update the domain with the required JAX-WS Extension template and restart the installation.

    Please exit the installer and upgrade the domain by applying the WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension template and optionally the WebLogic JAX-WS SOAP/JMS Extension template. Retry the installation again after selecting the appropriate template(s):

    • WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension Template (Required)

    • WebLogic JAX-WS SOAP/JMS Extension Template (Optional)

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears with the domain and any servers in the domain appearing in the left pane.

  7. In the tree view on the left, select the check box next to the single server you want MSS installed on.

    Tabs appear in the right pane for information to be entered for the selected server.

    Figure 4-2 View to Select the Server for Single Server Installation

    Description of Figure 4-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-2 View to Select the Server for Single Server Installation"
  8. Complete domain information by selecting and completing the following tabs:

    1. Click the Directory tab and enter the path and name of the MetaSolv home directory, WebLogic domain directory, and WebLogic Home directory or click Browse to search for the directories.

      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

      MetaSolv Home Directory



      WebLogic Domain Directory



    2. Depending on your database configuration, do one of the following (Option 1 or Option 2):

      Option 1:

      Click the Oracle Database tab and do one of the following:

      In the Oracle Server Name, Oracle Port#, and Oracle Service Name fields, enter the relevant values, and select the Pluggable DB check box if you are running the MSS database instance as a pluggable database (PDB).


      In the JDBC URL field, enter your own free-form JDBC connect string.

      Example of a JDBC URL string:


      Example of a JDBC URL string for a pluggable database:


      Worksheet references and examples values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

      Oracle Database Server Name



      Oracle Database Port



      Oracle Database Service Name

      COMM- 0150


      APP_MSLV Password



      APP_API Password



      APP_INT Password



      Option 2:

      Click the Oracle RAC tab. The Remote Listener check box is selected by default. Deselect this check box if remote listener is turned off in the Oracle RAC database. In the Number of RAC Nodes field, specify the number of RAC nodes and click GO.

      Do one of the following (Option A or Option B):

      Option A:

      Enter the relevant values in the following fields: Oracle DBService Name, Oracle Server1, Oracle Port#1, Oracle Instance name1, Oracle Server2, Oracle Port#2, Oracle Instance name2.....Oracle Servern, Oracle Port#n, Oracle Instance namen, where n is the number of nodes specified in the Number of RAC Nodes field, and select the Pluggable DB check box if you are running the MSS database instance as a pluggable database (PDB).

      Option B:

      Specify the JDBC URLs in the following fields:

      JDBC URL#1

      (Remote listener turned off)


      (Remote listener turned on)

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ip1)(PORT=port1))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=dbservice1)(INSTANCE_NAME=instance1)))

      (Remote listener turned on for a pluggable database)

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ip1)(PORT=port1))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=pdbservice1)(INSTANCE_NAME=instance1)))

      JDBC URL#2

      (Remote listener turned off)


      (Remote listener turned on)

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ip2)(PORT=port2))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=dbservice2)(INSTANCE_NAME=instance2)))

      (Remote listener turned on for a pluggable database)

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ip2)(PORT=port2))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=pdbservice2)(INSTANCE_NAME=instance2)))

      JDBC URL#n

      (Remote listener turned off)


      (Remote listener turned on)

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ipn)(PORT=portn))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=dbservicen)(INSTANCE_NAME=instancen)))

      (Remote listener turned on for a pluggable database)

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ipn)(PORT=portn))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=pdbservicen)(INSTANCE_NAME=instancen)))


      n is the number of nodes specified in the Number of RAC Nodes field.

      v-ip is the IP address of the node.

      port is the port address of the node.

      dbservice is the database service name.

      pdbservice is the pluggable database service name.

      instance is the instance name.


      You must specify values in either the Oracle Database tab or the Oracle RAC tab. If you specify values in both the Oracle Database and the Oracle RAC tabs, you get an error message.

      If you specify the incorrect number of nodes in the Number of RAC Nodes field and click GO on the Oracle RAC tab, do the steps in "Correcting the Specified Number of RAC Nodes".

      Worksheet references and example values for a two-node RAC:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

      Oracle Database Service Name

      COMM- 0150


      Oracle Database Server Name1



      Oracle Database Port#1



      Oracle Instance Name1



      Oracle Database Server Name2



      Oracle Database Port#2



      Oracle Instance Name2



      APP_MSLV Password



      APP_API Password



      APP_INT Password



    3. Click the Gateway tab, check the default selections for event servers that are to be activated, and make any necessary changes.

      If you are unsure, leave the default settings. You can manually edit these settings through the gateway.ini file. The check boxes that appear on the tab are for APIs. When you select a check box, modifications are made to the gateway.ini file used to configure MSS APIs. See MetaSolv Solution System Administrator's Guide for more information on the gateway.ini file.

    4. Click the Port tab and enter values in the Log Port and CORBA Port fields

      Worksheet references and example values:


      Default port assignments appear and may be replaced with the available port values.

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

      Log Port



      CORBA Port



      Debug Port



    5. Click the Proxy tab and enter the URL of the proxy server.

      Worksheet reference and example value:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

      Proxy Server URL


      http://srvrchosa1:7070, https://srvrchosa1:7071 (when using the SSL port)

    6. Click the Info tab to see a summary of the selected server's properties.

  9. When all tabs have correct information for the single server, click Next.

    The installation summary appears.

  10. After checking the information in the summary for accuracy, click Install. When the files are installed, the location of the startup file created for the server is displayed.


    Do not exit the installer.

  11. Note the location of the startup file for the application server.

  12. (Optional) Do this step only if you create the domain using SSL. Open the MSLV_Home\mslv01\jacORB\orb.properties file (where MSLV_Home is the directory in which the MSS software is installed and mslv01 is the server home directory) and provide the appropriate values for the following properties:

    Required/Optional Field name Worksheet reference number Example value

    Required (Only if SSL is enabled)




    Required (Only if SSL is enabled)




    Required (Only if SSL is enabled)




    Required (Only if SSL is enabled)




  13. (Optional) Do this step only if you create the domain using SSL on the AIX platform. Open the MSLV_Home\mslv01\jacORB\orb.properties file (where MSLV_Home is the directory in which the MSS software is installed and mslv01 is the server home directory) and provide the appropriate values for the following properties:

  14. Shut down the server, and restart it using the custom script installed by the installer and listed on the window.

    To start the servers, navigate to the MSLV_Home\m63domain directory (where m63domain is the domain directory for the server) directory and entering the following command at a command prompt:

    • For UNIX/Linux:

    • For Windows:


    To shut down the server, navigate to the m63domain directory. At the command prompt, enter the command:

    • For UNIX or Linux:

    • For Windows:

  15. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console by typing the following information into the Address field of Internet Explorer:


    You can monitor the deployment from the console. To check the servers, click Servers in the left pane of the Console, and the right pane will show the status of all servers.

  16. After the startup commands have been run and the application server has been started, maximize the installer window and click Deploy Application.

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears listing the server you can select for deployment.

    This process can take a few moments. If the server is not started, a status appears on the window indicating the installer is waiting for the server to be in running mode. When the server is in running mode, you can begin the deployment.

  17. Select a server in the Target Servers list box, and click Deploy.

    The deployment process begins. You can follow the progress of the deployment by viewing the text that appears in the right pane of the installation window.

    When the deployment is complete, the Deployment Completed window appears.

  18. Click OK.

  19. Click Exit.

    The Exit? window appears.

  20. Click OK to exit.

Correcting the Specified Number of RAC Nodes

To correct the specified number of RAC nodes:

  1. On the Oracle RAC tab, click GO beside the Password field.

  2. Select the check box for the server.

  3. Specify correct values in all the fields on the Info, Directory, Oracle Database, Oracle RAC, Gateway, Port, and Proxy tabs.

Verifying the Installation

Verification is done from the WebLogic Server Administration Console on a client workstation.

To verify the installation, do the following:

  1. From a client workstation, close all open applications and start a web browser.

  2. Enter the following information into the Address field:

    http://host_admin:port number/console
  3. Log in to the Administration Console using your user name and password.

    The WebLogic Server Console window appears.

  4. In the left pane, click DOMAIN_NAME, then click Deployments.

    The list of available applications appears in the pane on the right of the screen.

  5. Verify that the following applications appear in the list:


    Click Next in the Deployments window to advance to the next page of applications.

    • nur

    • MSS_WebService

  6. From the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, and then click Data Sources in the left pane.

    The list of available data sources and connection pools appears in the pane on the right of the screen.

  7. Compare the values, shown in Table 4-1, to your installation screen to make sure you have configured WebLogic correctly for your installation.

    Table 4-1 Data Sources and Connection Pools

    Data Sources Connection Pools













  8. In the left pane, click the DOMAIN_NAME, then click Services, then click Messaging, then click JMS Modules.

    The list of available JMS modules appears in the pane on the right of the screen.

  9. In the right pane, click mssJMSModule.

    The list of available resources appears in the pane on the right of the screen.

  10. Verify that the following JMS connection factory is present in the list of resources:

    • MSS.QueueConnectionFactory

  11. Verify that mss.external.event.queue is included in the list of resources.

  12. From the web browser, enter the following information into the Address field:

    http://host_admin:port number/main

    The MetaSolv Solution AppServer Runtime Information page appears.

  13. Install the client application manually and start the MSS client.

    The MetaSolv Solution login window is displayed.