About Fulfillment State Maps

Fulfillment state maps are containers for common fulfillment states and fulfillment state mappings. Common fulfillment states are user-defined values that are used to provide consistent state information about various entities. Fulfillment state mappings are the entities that contain the actual mapping information, and fulfillment state maps are just containers for the information. These containers are logical groupings you set up for convenience. Functionally, it does not matter whether you have one or many fulfillment state maps. Each common fulfillment state is available to all of the fulfillment state mappings in the workspace, regardless of which fulfillment state map it is configured in. This means that each common fulfillment state needs to be unique in the workspace, regardless of which fulfillment state map it is located in.

Common fulfillment states have two functions:

However they are going to be used, they are configured in a single list using the Fulfillment State Maps editor. You do not need to know how the common fulfillment state will be used when you configure it, and the same common fulfillment state can be used for both purposes at the same time.

After the common fulfillment states have been created, you create the mappings. The purpose of a fulfillment state mapping is to map an external fulfillment state to a common fulfillment state. However, each mapping must also specify further conditions to indicate when it should be applied: a single orchestration fulfillment pattern, order item, and orchestration sequence, with a single set of orchestration stage and order component combinations. There are no wild cards, which may lead to a large number of mappings. In addition, you can further restrict the application of the mapping by adding any of the following: fulfillment mode, property/property value combinations, and current fulfillment state of the order component.

Related Topics

About Configuring Fulfillment States

Creating New Fulfillment State Maps

Fulfillment State Map Editor