1 Services Gatekeeper Security Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper security features and considerations.

Basic Security Considerations

The following principles are fundamental to using any application securely:

  • Keep software up to date. This includes the latest product release and any patches that apply to it as well as updates for WebLogic Server, Oracle Coherence and Java.

  • Limit privileges as much as possible. Users should be given only the access necessary to perform their work. User privileges should be reviewed periodically to determine relevance to current work requirements.

  • Monitor system activity. Establish who should access which system components, how often, and then monitor those components.

  • Install software securely. For example, use firewalls, secure protocols such as SSL, and secure passwords. See "Performing a Secure Services Gatekeeper Installation" for more information.

  • Encrypt sensitive data and communications. For example, use database and network communication encryption tools to ensure Services Gatekeeper data is safe from theft or unauthorized access. See ”Securing Services Gatekeeper” in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • Learn about and use the Services Gatekeeper run time security features. See "Administering Services Gatekeeper Securely" for more information.

  • Use secure development practices. For example, take advantage of existing database security functionality rather than creating your own application security. See "Securing Network Traffic" for more information.

  • Keep up to date on security information. Oracle regularly issues security-related patch updates and security alerts. Install all security patches as soon as possible. See the Critical Patch Updates and Security Alerts website:


Overview of Services Gatekeeper Security

Services Gatekeeper extends Oracle WebLogic Server, allowing you to offer protected APIs, and IP-based applications (services). Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server include extensive security features for protecting your Services Gatekeeper implementation, including:

  • Authentication

  • Authorization

  • Single sign-on features

  • Configurable traffic filters

WebLogic server provides both out of the box security solutions and compatibility with security standards. When used properly, these capabilities ensure that you can protect your Services Gatekeeper implementation. For more information on the WebLogic security options, see ”Understanding WebLogic Server Security” in Fusion Middleware Understanding WebLogic Server.

Services Gatekeeper requires a database. You use database security features, such as encryption and access control, to ensure that the data and communications used by Services Gatekeeper are protected. Production environments using Oracle Enterprise Database can use Oracle Database Advanced Security to protect data.

Services can support multiple security standards, including:

  • Services using SOAP and RESTful-based traffic can use the Service Gatekeeper firewall settings to protect against denial of service (DOS) attacks.

  • Services using SOAP-based interfaces can leverage the flexible security framework of WebLogic Server to provide robust system protection. Applications can be authenticated using plaintext or encrypted (digest) passwords, X.509 certificates, or SAML 1.0/1.1 tokens.

  • Service requests can use XML encryption based on the W3C standards, for either the whole request message or specific parts of it. To ensure message integrity, requests can be digitally signed by using the W3C XML digital signature standards.

  • Services using RESTful interfaces can leverage HTTP basic authentication: user name/password and SSL protection. The use of SAML assertions as authorization grants with OAuth is also supported.

Services Gatekeeper Concepts contains more information about supported security-related standards.

Understanding the Services Gatekeeper Environment

When planning your Services Gatekeeper implementation, consider the following:

  • Which resources must be protected?

    You must protect resources such as:

    • Subscriber data, for example, credit-card numbers.

    • Partner data, for example, applications, metrics, and contact information

    • Internal data, for example, the MBeans that control Services Gatekeeper.

    • System components from being disabled by external attacks or intentional system overloads.

    • Network nodes that prevent Services Gatekeeper from being disabled by external attacks or intentional system overloads.

    • Communications between network nodes including Services Gatekeeper tiers, databases, and network elements.

  • Who are you protecting data from?

    For example, you must protect partner data from unauthorized partners, but someone in your organization might need to access that data to manage it. You can analyze your workflows to determine who needs access to the data; for example, a system administrator might manage your system components without needing to access the system data.

  • What will happen if protections on strategic resources fail?

    In some cases, a fault in your security scheme is nothing more than an inconvenience. In other cases, a fault might cause great damage to you, your partners, or your customers. Understanding the security ramifications of each resource will help you protect it properly.

Recommended Deployment Configurations

This section describes recommended deployment configurations for Services Gatekeeper.

Services Gatekeeper security requirements depend on the deployment type and intended use. Production implementations typically consist of tiered deployments with more features, such as geographic redundancy, that require high security levels to protect subscriber and application data. Test and development implementations usually consist of single-tier deployments with less stringent security requirements.

When deploying Services Gatekeeper, consider the security requirements related to the following deployment types:

  • Tiered deployments provide multiple security protections, including the possibility of firewalls between tiers, load balancers, separation of the access and network tiers into unique networks, and distribution of system components across machines and geographic locations. For tiered deployments, you should also implement the security capabilities offered by WebLogic Server and your database software.

    See ”About Tiered Deployments” in Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide for information about medium and large deployments and deployments with service-oriented architecture functionality.

  • Non-tier deployments provide developers and testers with functional Services Gatekeeper environments in standalone or basic high-availability configurations. Non-tier deployments have limited security. Ensure that these deployments are protected as your business requires. WebLogic Server security features can be implemented if necessary, but the use of database security features is highly recommended.

    See ”About Non-tiered Deployments” in Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide for information about deployments targeted for smaller groups of developers to develop and test their extension software.

  • Geographically Redundant deployments protect you from catastrophic failures such as natural disasters. When deploying Services Gatekeeper across multiple geographic locations, you must ensure that communication between sites is secure in addition to securing each location's application components and data.

    See ”About Geographically Redundant Deployments” in Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide for information about separating Services Gatekeeper geographically to protect your installation against data loss and service failure in the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event.

Securing Services Gatekeeper Components

Your Services Gatekeeper environment can include the following components. Configure the security of each component in your environment according to the following recommendations.

Operating System Security

Review the security considerations for your operating system:

Database Security

Consider the security issues related to your database. For a list of supported databases, see ”Supported Databases” in Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide.

Oracle Databases

Before installing Services Gatekeeper, you install an Oracle database to support Services Gatekeeper.

Oracle strongly recommends that you deploy the Services Gatekeeper Oracle database in its own tier, for both security and performance reasons. For more information about:

MySQL Databases

MySQL database is an optional database. It is recommended for internal use and is not recommended for your production environment.

For security considerations associated with MySQL Database, see MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual.

WebLogic Server Security

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing a Production Environment for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Security Considerations for Relational Database Authentication Providers

An RDBMS Authentication provider is a user name/password based Authentication provider that uses a relational database (rather than an LDAP directory) as its data store for user, password, and group information.

For security considerations associated with the security store, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server.

Related Applications Security

Consider the security issues related to the following applications:

  • Oracle Communications Converged Application Server

    For SIP-based services, you access Oracle Communications Converged Application Server (OCCAS) through the Services Gatekeeper console. For information about security implementations in OCCAS, see Oracle Communications Converged Application Server Security Guide.

  • Java Messaging Service (JMS) Servers

    JMS servers are necessary for any additional network tier servers you set up. For more information, see ”Creating JMS Servers for Additional Network Tier Servers” in Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide.

    For security considerations associated with JMS servers, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager

    Oracle Enterprise Manager is purchased, installed, and configured separately. Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control enables you to monitor and manage the complete Oracle IT infrastructure from a single console.

    For information about Enterprise Manager security, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Administration.

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

    Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) is the business intelligence platform that supports Services Gatekeeper Portal applications. It enables you to provide query and analysis tools for your customers (the partner managers and partners) to customize their views of the data seen on the reports pages of their portals.


    You install OBI by using the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper extension installer. Before installing Services Gatekeeper reporting and portal support, you must first install OBI.

    For security considerations associated with OBI, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Oracle Access Manager

    After you install Services Gatekeeper, set up and configure web services security and Oracle Access Manager JMX security.

    For information about Security considerations associated with Access Manager container framework and MBeans, security keys and the embedded Java keystore, security modes for multi-data centers, and logging for Security Token Service and Identity Federation, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management 11g Release 2 ( for All Platforms.

External Firewall Security

Firewalls are essential for securing production implementations. Ensure that your firewalls are configured to manage traffic on WebLogic Server SSL listener ports and Oracle Database listener ports.

For information about:

Virtual Environments Security

Review the security considerations associated with the following supported virtual environments:

  • Solaris Virtual Environment

    Services Gatekeeper is deployable and certified on Solaris Zones virtualized environments. For information about securing the Oracle Solaris VM configuration, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center User's Guide on the Oracle Help Center website:


  • Oracle Virtual Machine (VM)

    Oracle VM enables you to deploy operating systems and application software within a supported virtualization setup.

    For security considerations associated with Oracle VM, see Oracle VM Security Guide on the Oracle Help Center website:
