1.1 Understanding Workspace Administration

Workspace administrators monitor and administer a workspace.

1.1.1 What is a Workspace Administrator?

Workspace administrators have all the rights and privileges available to developer and manage administrator tasks specific to a workspace.

In Oracle Application Express, users sign in to a shared work area called a workspace. A workspace enables multiple users to work within the same Oracle Application Express installation while keeping their objects, data and applications private. This flexible architecture enables a single database instance to manage thousands of applications.

Within a workspace, End users can only run existing database or Websheet application. Developers can create and edit applications, monitor workspace activity, and view dashboards. Oracle Application Express includes two administrator roles:

  • Workspace administrators are users who perform administrator tasks specific to a workspace.

  • Instance administrators are superusers that manage an entire hosted Oracle Application Express instance which may contain multiple workspaces.

Workspace administrators can reset passwords, view product and environment information, manage the Export repository, manage saved interactive reports, view the workspace summary report, and manage Websheet database objects. Additionally, workspace administrators manage service requests, configure workspace preferences, manage user accounts, monitor workspace activity, and view log files.

1.1.2 Accessing the Workspace Administration Page

Use the Workspace Administration page to monitor and administer a workspace.


You can access many workspace administration functions from both the Administration menu and Workspace Administration home page and . Notice that Administration menu includes options for Manage Service, Manage Users and Groups, Monitor Activity, Dashboards, and Change My Password. For consistency, the procedures in this document navigates the user to the Workspace Administration home page.

To access the Workspace Administration page:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.

    The Workspace home page appears.

  2. At the top of the page, click the Administration menu.
  3. From the Administration menu, select Administration.

1.1.3 Workspace Administration Page

Use the Workspace Administration page to manage service requests, manage users and groups, monitor activity, view dashboards, view the Utilization Report, change your password, manage users and user groups, manage interactive report settings, manage the Export Repository and Websheet Database objects, and request a new workspace.

The top of Workspace Administration page contains the following icons:

  • Manage Service. Links to the Manage Service page. Use this page to manage service requests (including, schema requests, storage requests, and service termination) and configure workspace preferences, edit announcements, view utilization reports and log files, and manage session state.

  • Manage Users and Groups. Links to the Manage Users and page. Use this page to manage Application Express user accounts and user groups.

  • Monitor Activity. Links to the Monitor Activity page. Use this page to monitor page views, developer activity, active sessions, view page view analysis reports, environment reports such as browser usage and click counts, and user login reports.

  • Dashboards. Links to the Dashboards page. Use this page to view details about the current workspace and monitor users, activity, developer activity, performance, Websheet application development, database application development, and view database details.

  • Utilization Report. Links to the Workspace Utilization report. Use this report view a comprehensive summary of the current workspace, including schemas, database applications, Websheet applications, SQL Workshop scripts and results, Team Development details, application activity, developer activity, and counts of database objects.

Workspace Message

The Workspace Message region displays directly below the icons at the top of the Workspace Administration page. Use this region to communicate information to other users.

Tasks Region

A Tasks region displays on the right side of the Workspace Administration page and contains the following links:

  • Change My Password. Links to the Change Password section of the Edit Profile page.

  • About Application Express. Links to an About page that lists basic product information.

  • Manage User Groups. Links to the User groups page. Workspace administrators can use groups for categorization and manage privileges.

  • Create User. Links to a form where Workspace administrators can create new user.

  • Create Multiple Users. Enables Workspace administrators to create multiple users once.

  • Delete Multiple Users. Enables Workspace administrators to delete multiple users at once.

  • Manage Interactive Report Settings. Enables Workspace administrators to manage saved reports and subscriptions.

  • Manage Export Repository. Displays to the Manage Export Repository. Use the Manage Export Repository page to manage files in the current workspace.

  • Websheet Database Objects. Displays the Websheet Database Objects page. All Websheet application data is stored within tables owned by a schema associated with this workspace. The tables are all prefixed by APEX$_. Use the Websheet Database Objects page to manage these tables.

  • Request a New Workspace. Launches the Request a Workspace wizard. Enables Workspace administrators to request a new workspace manually on the Workspace Administration page without having to access the Oracle Application Express Administration Services application.

1.1.4 Resetting Your Password

Click Change Password on the Workspace Administration page to reset your password.

To reset your password from the Administration page:


You can access many workspace administration functions (such as Change My Password) from both the Administration menu and the Workspace Administration home page. For consistency, this section navigates the user to the Workspace Administration home page.

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Change My Password.
  3. Under Change Password, enter the following:
    • Enter Current Password - Enter your current password.

    • Enter New Password - Enter your new password.

    • Confirm New Password - Enter your new password again.

  4. Click Apply Changes.

1.1.5 Viewing Product Release and Environment Information

Access the About Application Express page to view basic product information, including the Application Express release number, workspace name, environment details, and database information.

To view the About Application Express page:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Tasks list, click About Application Express.

    The About Application Express page appears. The page is divided into these sections: About; Visit Oracle Online For More Information; CGI Environment; and Database Version.

The Details section displays the following information:

  • Product build

  • Schema compatibility

  • Last DDL time

  • Host schema

  • Application Owner

  • Workspace ID

  • Workspace Name

  • Current user

  • Language Preference

  • Current Time (on server)

CGI Environment provides information about the currently installed web server software such as currently defined parameters and variables.

Database Version lists details about the currently installed database version.

Character Set lists currently selected character sets. The selected character set determines the encoding scheme used to display characters on screen.

1.1.6 Managing Exported Files

Use the Manage Export Repository page to manage files in the current workspace.

To access the Manage Export Repository page:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Manage Export Repository.

    The Manage Export Repository page appears.

    You can customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.

  3. To remove a file, select the file and click Delete Checked.

1.1.7 Managing Saved Interactive Reports

View and delete saved interactive reports as well as manage interactive report subscriptions. About Saved Interactive Reports

Oracle Application Express includes four types of saved interactive reports: Primary Default, Alternative Report, Public Report, and Private report. Both developers and end users can save interactive reports. However, only a developer can save the report that initially displays (called the Primary Default) or create an Alternative report.

Oracle Application Express includes four types of saved interactive reports:

  • Primary Default (Developer Only). This is the report that initially displays. Primary Default reports cannot be renamed or deleted.

  • Alternative Report (Developer Only). Enables developers to create multiple report layouts. Only developers can save, rename, or delete an Alternative Report.

  • Public Report (End user). Can be saved, renamed, or deleted by the end user who created it. Other users can view and save the layout as another report.

  • Private Report (End user). Only the end user that created the report can view, save, rename, or delete the report.

Workspace administrators can view and manage these reports on the Saved Reports page. Viewing and Deleting Saved Interactive Reports

View and delete saved interactive reports on the Saved Reports page.

To manage saved interactive reports:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. From the Tasks list, click Manage Interactive Report Settings.
  3. Click Saved Reports.

    The Saved Reports page appears.

    You can customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.

  4. To delete a report:
    1. Select the report to be removed.
    2. Click Delete Checked. Managing Interactive Report Subscriptions

End users can receive updated versions of a report by subscribing to it. Workspace administrators can view and manage these subscriptions on the Subscriptions page.

To manage interactive report subscriptions:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. From the Tasks list, click Manage Interactive Report Settings.
  3. Click Subscriptions.

    The Subscriptions page appears.

    You can customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.

  4. To link to an application, page or region, click the appropriate hyperlink.
  5. To delete a subscription:
    1. Select the subscription to be removed.
    2. Click Delete Checked.

1.1.8 Viewing a Workspace Summary

Use the Workspace Utilization report to view a comprehensive summary of the current workspace, including summaries of schemas, database applications, Websheet applications, SQL Workshop scripts and results, Team Development details, application activity, developer activity, and counts of database objects. Viewing the Workspace Utilization Report

View the Workspace Utilization Report which details workspace activity and contents.

To view the Workspace Utilization report:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Workspace Administration page, click Manage Service.
  3. Click Workspace Utilization.
  4. From Show, select a time interval.
  5. Scroll down to view the report. Emailing the Workspace Utilization Report

Email specific recipients a workspace summary report by clicking the Email button while viewing the Workspace Utilization Report.

To email the Workspace Utilization report:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Workspace Administration page, click Manage Service.
  3. Click Workspace Utilization.
  4. From Show, select a time interval.
  5. To email the report:
    1. Click Email.
    2. In the Email form:
      • Reporting Periods - Select a time interval for the report.

      • To - Enter valid email addresses. Separate multiple entries with a comma.

      • Subject - Enter text that describes the message.

      • Body - Enter optional body text.

      • Click Email.

      The report is automatically emailed to the specified recipients.

1.1.9 Removing and Validating Websheet Database Objects

Remove or validate the data objects associated with Websheet.

All Websheet application data is stored within tables owned by a schema associated with this workspace. The tables are all prefixed by APEX$_. Workspace administrators use the Websheet Database Objects page to manage these tables.

To access the Manage Export Repository page:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Websheet Database Objects.

    The Websheet Database Objects page appears.

  3. Select one of the following and follow the on-screen instructions:
    • Remove Websheet Database Objects - Drop Websheet database objects and data from your schema.

    • Validate Websheet Database Objects - Validate the integrity of Websheet database objects and correct identified problems.

See Also:

"Creating Websheet Applications" in Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide

1.1.10 Requesting a New Workspace Manually

Workspace administrators can request a new workspace manually on the Workspace Administration page.

To request a new workspace:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Request a New Workspace.

    The Request a Workspace Wizard appears.

  3. Select one of the following and click Next:
    • Application Development

    • Packaged Apps Only

  4. For Identification:
    1. First Name - Enter your first name.

    2. Last Name - Enter your last name.

    3. Email - Enter the email address to which account will be sent.

    4. First Name - Enter a workspace name.

    5. Click Next.

  5. For Schema:
    1. Configuration - Select whether you wish to create a new database schema or configure an existing database schema for your new workspace.

    2. Existing Schema - Enter the name of the schema you wish to make accessible to your new Application Express workspace.

    3. Click Next.

  6. Review and accept the service agreement. Click Next.
  7. Verify your request and click Submit Request.