2.4 Saving Interactive Grids

Save your changes as a new report within the application. Name and keep these interactive grid reports Private or make them Public to share with other users.

2.4.1 About Interactive Grid Report Types

Reports in interactive grids have varying uses and characteristics. End users interact with the Primary report of an interactive grid, and save their changes as Private reports.

The following is a list of default report types available to end users in Oracle Application Express, although developers can choose to add more:

Private Report

Users can save a Private report of the interactive grid to preserve their changes to it (such as filters, aggregations, column order, visible columns, and other customizations).

Private reports can only be viewed by the user who creates them.

Primary Report

The default state of an interactive grid is the Primary report.

While users can customize the look and organization of a Primary report, they cannot overwrite or rename it. The Primary report is useful as a backup or a starting point for customizing new views of the interactive grid.

Once you save a private report, a drop-down list appears on the toolbar near the Search bar. You can use this to select between reports.

See Also:

"How the User Type Effects Available Save Options" in the Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide

2.4.2 Saving a Report in an Interactive Grid

Save your changes to an interactive grid by clicking Save As in the Actions, Report submenu.

To save a Private interactive grid:

  1. Click the Actions menu and select Report then Save As.
    The Save As dialog displays.
  2. In the Save As dialog:
    1. Type - Select Private.
    2. Name - Enter a name for the grid.
  3. Click Save.

    Save further changes to the report by selecting Save in the Actions, Report Setting submenu.

The report is saved and a confirmation message displays.

If there is now more than one saved report available in the interactive grid, a drop-down list appears on the toolbar between the Search Bar and Actions menu.

Drop-down list of reports

2.4.3 Renaming a Report in an Interactive Grid

Change the name of an interactive grid report by selecting Edit in the Actions, Report submenu.

To rename a report:

  1. Select the report from the drop-down list.
  2. Click the Actions menu and select Report then Edit.
    The Report Settings dialog displays.
  3. Rename the report.
  4. Click Save.
The report is saved.

2.4.4 Deleting a Report in an Interactive Grid

Delete a Private report from an interactive grid by selecting Delete in the Actions, Report submenu.

To delete an interactive grid report:

  1. Select the report from the drop-down list.
  2. Click the Actions menu and select Report then Delete.
    A confirmation dialog appears.
  3. Click OK.
The report is deleted and the Primary report reloads.