A Importing an Application into a Workspace

Upload an SQL script to your Oracle Application Express workspace to start at the beginning of any chapter in this tutorial.

You began this tutorial by uploading and running series of scripts in SQL Scripts. These scripts created the base tables and data for the exercises in this tutorial. You can also upload a script to start the tutorial at the beginning of a chapter. Each script updates the application to matches the start of the chapter.

The files you upload are located in the /files subdirectory of the tutorial .zip file. Each file incorporates all the changes you are instructed to make in the chapters preceding it and creates a new application named "Demo Projects" with a new application ID.


If you already have a Demo Projects app in your workspace, you may want to rename you existing Demo Projects app by editing the Name attribute on the Edit Application Definition page. See "Editing Application Attributes" in the Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide.


To import an application, you must have the following:

To import an application export file (*.sql):

  1. On the Workspace home page, click Application Builder to navigate to the Application Builder Home Page.
  2. Click Import.
    The Import dialog displays.
  3. For Import:
    1. Import file - click the appropriate button to browse your system for a file (for example, in Chrome the Choose File button).
    2. Locate the extracted .zip archive and open the /files subdirectory.
    3. Select the desired script and click Open.


      To determine the appropriate script file name, see Starting from here at the beginning of a chapter.
    4. For File Type, select Database Application, Page or Component Export .
    5. Click Next.
  4. On the File Import Confirmation page, click Next.
  5. On the Install Database Application page, click Install Application.
    The new application builds. This may take a minute.
  6. Click Edit Application to navigate to the imported application’s overview in Application Builder.

You have imported the new application into your workspace.