9 TimesTen Administration

This chapter includes the following topics:

Installing TimesTen

For TimesTen Scaleout, TimesTen is installed on Linux systems by unzipping the TimesTen distribution on the host of the first management instance. Then, use the ttGridAdmin utility to copy the distribution to other hosts involved in the grid. See Chapter 2, "Prerequisites and Installation of TimesTen Scaleout" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide for details.

For TimesTen Classic, TimesTen is installed by unzipping a distribution file. See Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide for details on installing TimesTen Classic.

Access control

TimesTen is installed with access control to allow only users with specific privileges to access particular TimesTen features. TimesTen Access Control uses standard SQL operations to establish user accounts with specific privileges. TimesTen offers object-level access control as well as database-level access control.

For more information, see Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

Command line administration

Most TimesTen administration tasks are performed with command line utilities. The following table summarizes common utilities:

Name Description
ttAdmin A general utility for managing a database in TimesTen Classic. Used to specify policies for automatically or manually loading and unloading a database from RAM, as well as to starting and stopping cache agents and replication agents.
ttBackup and ttRestore Used to create a backup copy of a database in TimesTen Classic and restore it at a later time.
ttBulkCp Used to transfer data between TimesTen tables and ASCII files.
ttGridAdmin A general utility for all aspects of administering TimesTen Scaleout, such as creating a grid, adding or removing data instances or management instances, creating a database, and redistributing data to new data instances.
ttIsql Used to run SQL interactively from the command line, similar to Oracle SQL*Plus. Also provides a number of administrative commands to reconfigure and monitor a database.
ttMigrate Used to migrate the contents of a database between major TimesTen releases.
ttRepAdmin Used to monitor replication status for replication schemes in TimesTen Classic.
ttSize Used to estimate the amount of space to allocate for a table in the database.
ttStats Used to monitor database metrics (statistics, states, and other information). Automatically captures system snapshots, and takes and compares snapshots of metrics.
ttStatus Used to display information that describes the current state of a TimesTen database.
ttTraceMon Used to enable and disable the TimesTen internal tracing facilities.
ttXactAdmin Used to list ownership, status, log and lock information for each outstanding transaction, as well as latches held by each connection. The ttXactAdmin utility also enables users of TimesTen Classic to commit, abort or forget an XA transaction branch.

For more information about general administration of TimesTen, see "Managing TimesTen Databases" and "Working with Data in a TimesTen Database" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide. These chapters include the use of the ODBC Administrator.

For more information about administering TimesTen replication, see the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide.

For information about TimesTen utilities (both general-purpose and TimesTen Scaleout-specific), see the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

SQL administration

TimesTen provides SQL statements for administrative activities such as creating and managing tables, indexes, views, materialized views, synonyms, sequences, users and privileges. TimesTen Classic provides SQL statements for creating and managing replication schemes and cache groups.

Administrators can execute SQL statements within the ttIsql utility. For example, there are several built-in ttIsql commands that display information on database structures.


For a complete list of SQL statements, see "SQL Statements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference.

TimesTen stores metadata (information about the contents of your database) in system tables in your database. TimesTen also provides system views that enable you to use SQL to query information.

In addition, TimesTen provides several local (V$) and global (GV$) system views you can query to retrieve metadata information about your database.

  • V$ views: Views that return information for a TimesTen Classic database or for the element to which your application is connected in TimesTen Scaleout.

  • GV$ view: GV$ views return the same type of information as the V$ views, except that the information returned is global in nature as it contains the contents of the V$ view for every element of the TimesTen Scaleout database.

See "System Tables and Views" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database System Tables and Views Reference for more information.

SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer is a graphical tool for database development tasks. SQL Developer is a Java application that supports direct-linked and client/server connections to a TimesTen database. Support for connecting to multiple databases enables SQL Developer users to work with data in the TimesTen and the Oracle databases concurrently.

For more information about SQL Developer, see Oracle SQL Developer Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Support User's Guide.

Facilitating TimesTen Scaleout development and management

Use SQL Developer to facilitate TimesTen Scaleout development and management.

  • Create, manage, and explore a grid and its components.

  • Browse, create, edit and drop particular database objects

  • Run SQL statements and scripts

  • Manipulate and export data

  • View and create reports

  • View database metrics

For more information, see "Using SQL Developer to work with TimesTen Scaleout" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Facilitating TimesTen Classic development and management

Use SQL Developer to facilitate TimesTen Classic development and management:

  • Browse, create, and manage database objects and PL/SQL programs

  • Automate cache group operations

  • Manipulate and export data

  • Execute SQL and PL/SQL statements and scripts

  • View and create reports

  • View database metrics

ODBC Administrator

The ODBC Administrator is a utility program used on a Windows client to create, configure and delete data source definitions. You can use it to define a data source and configure its connection attributes.

Migrating a database

In TimesTen Scaleout, you can migrate a database from TimesTen Classic to TimesTen Scaleout. See "Migrating, Backing Up and Restoring Data" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

In TimesTen Classic, you can migrate data between major releases (for example, from TimesTen 11.2.2 to 18.1) by using the ttMigrate utility to export the data from the old release and import it to the new release. The ttMigrate utility saves database objects in a binary file and upgrades or downgrades database objects by restoring the objects from the binary file into the target database. For more information, see "Migrating a database" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.

Upgrading TimesTen

The following sections describe the process for upgrading to a new release of TimesTen.

Upgrades for a grid in TimesTen Scaleout

Upgrading a grid consists of ensuring that every instance uses for its operations the installation files provided by a newer patch release of TimesTen. For more information about upgrading TimesTen Scaleout, see "Upgrading a grid" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Offline upgrades for TimesTen Classic

In TimesTen Classic, offline upgrades are performed either by using the ttInstanceModify or the ttMigrate utilities.

Offline upgrades can be used to:

  • Apply a patch set or a patch level within a patch set, run the ttInstanceModify utility to upgrade the instance and its databases.

  • Move to a different major release, you must run ttMigrate to export the database to a flat file and then use ttMigrate again to import the data into the new database.

During an offline upgrade, the database is not available to applications. Offline upgrades usually require enough disk space for an extra copy of the upgraded database.

For more information, see "Upgrades in TimesTen Classic" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.

Online upgrades for TimesTen Classic

In TimesTen Classic, replication enables online upgrades, while the database and its applications remain operational and available to users. Online upgrades are useful for applications where continuous availability of the database is critical.

Upgrading a database to a new release is performed by disconnecting all applications from one of two replicated copies of a database, making a backup of the database with the ttMigrate utility from the older release, loading the backup into a newer release database using the ttMigrate utility from the newer release, and then reconnecting all applications to the database in the upgraded instance.

For more information, see "Upgrades in TimesTen Classic" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.