1 TimesTen Instance Configuration File

This chapter describes the TimesTen configuration file attributes. The configuration files contains the attributes of the TimesTen instance and their values.

The timesten.conf file is located at timesten_home/conf/timesten.conf.

Each line of the configuration file consists of one name=value pair.

In TimesTen Classic, you can change values through various TimesTen utilities or connection attributes, at instance creation time or through editing this file. For more information about changing values by editing this file, see "Working with the TimesTen Daemon" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

In TimesTen Scaleout, you can change the values in this file by using the ttGridAdmin instanceConfigImport command. For more details, see "Import instance configuration attributes (instanceConfigImport)". Do not edit the configuration file by hand.

Configuration attributes

Some attributes in the configuration file are required. Other attributes are optional.

Required attributes

The configuration file contains these required attributes:

Attribute name Description Attribute value and type Default Value
instance_name The name of the TimesTen instance.

This attribute is optional for client only instances.

An ASCII name from 1 to 255 characters long. instance1
daemon_port The port number on which the TimesTen daemon for this instance listens.

TimesTen ignores this attribute for client only instances.

A valid TCP port number. 6624
admin_user The OS user name of the instance administrator that matches the OS owner of the instance home directory.

This entry is added by the ttInstanceCreate utility and must not be changed.

String None
admin_uid The OS uid number of the instance administrator.

This entry is added by the ttInstanceCreate utility and must not be changed.

Integer None
hostname The OS hostname of the instance.

This entry is added by the ttInstanceCreate utility, and must not be changed.

String None
instance_guid A globally unique ID, guaranteed to be different than the ID of any other instance in the world.

TimesTen adds this ID during instance creation.

String None

Optional attributes

The configuration file can contain these optional attributes:.

Attribute name Description Attribute value and type Default
timesten_release The release that created the instance home and that can use the instance home. A TimesTen release number. The installed TimesTen release number.
client_only Indicates if the instance only supports client operations.

If yes, the instance supports only client operations.

This entry is added by the ttInstanceCreate utility and must not be changed.

Yes or No No
tns_admin In a TimesTen Cache environment, the directory that contains the TNS_ADMIN settings to allow TimesTen to communicate with the Oracle database.

This attribute is required in a TimesTen Cache environment only.

This entry is added by the ttInstanceCreate utility and can be changed using the ttInstanceModify utility.

A directory None
listen_addr and


listen_addr indicates the IPv4 address where the TimesTen daemon and servers listen.

listen_6_addr indicates the IPv6 address where the TimesTen daemon and servers listen.

By default, TimesTen supports IPv6.

String None
enableipv6 Indicates if TimesTen is configured to support IPv6. 1 indicates that IPv6 support is configured

0 indicates that IPv6 support is not configured

supportlog The location of the TimesTen daemon log file. String timesten_home/ diag/ttmesg.log.
userlog The location of the TimesTen daemon user log file. The file location can be modified using the ttDaemonLog utility. String timesten_home/diag/tterrors.log.
max_support_log_files The TimesTen main daemon automatically rotates the files once they get to a specific size.

This attribute specifies the maximum number of daemon log files to keep.

Integer 10
max_user_log_files The TimesTen main daemon automatically rotates the files once they get to a specific size.

This attribute specifies the maximum number of user log files to keep.

Integer 10
max_support_log_size_mb The maximum size of a TimesTen daemon log file. Integer 100 MB
max_user_log_size_mb The maximum size of a TimesTen daemon user log file. Integer 10 MB
daemon_log_snippet_interval_in_mins The duration of the daemon log collection for a critical event. The granularity of the duration is in minutes. The minimum value is 1 minute. Integer 10
show_date Indicates if the date should be prepended on all daemon and user log entries.

1 indicates that the date should be prepended to every record in the user and daemon log files.

0 indicates that the date is not prepended to every record in the user and daemon log files.

1 or 0 1
server_port The port number on which the TimesTen server for this instance listens if you want the instance to be associated with a server. A valid TCP port number. 6625
facility If daemon logs are sent to syslog, the facility to be used.

Possible name values are: auth, cron, daemon, local0-local7, lpr, mail, news, user, or uucp.

The value is specified by the ttDaemonlog utility

String None
server_stack_size The client server stack size.

The value is set by and can be changed by the ServerStackSize connection attribute.

Integer 768KB
servers_per_dsn The number of servers per DSN for client server implementations.

The value is set by and can be changed by the ServersPerDSN connection attribute

Integer 1
max_conns_per_server The maximum number of client server connections for each TimesTen server.

The value set by and can be changed by the MaxConnsPerServer connection attribute

Integer 1
server_pool The number of processes that the TimesTen server should prespawn and keep in a reserve pool.

If not specified, no processes are prespawned.

The value is set by the MaxConnsPerServer connection attribute

Integer indicating the number of processes to prespawn None
allow_network_files Indicates if data access on NFS-mounted systems is allowed.

By default, TimesTen systems cannot access data across NFS-mounted systems.

On Linux x86 and Solaris, you can access checkpoint and transaction log files on NFS-mounted systems.

1 indicates data access on NFS-mounted systems is allowed.

0 indicates that access on NFS-mounted systems is not allowed.

For more information, see "Using NFS-mounted systems for checkpoint and transaction log files" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

TimesTen ignores this attribute on platforms other than Linux x86 and Solaris.

1 or 0 0
server_shmipc Indicates if the TimesTen Server should use shared memory IPC.

1 indicates that the server uses shared memory IPC.

0 indicates that the server does not use shared memory IPC.

For more information, see "Using shared memory for Client/Server IPC" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

1 or 0 1
server_shmsize The size of the shared memory IPC. Integer 64 MB
min_subs The minimum number of subdaemons TimesTen spawns.

The main TimesTen daemon spawns subdaemons dynamically as they are needed.

Integer 4
max_subs The maximum number of subdaemons TimesTen spawns.

The main TimesTen daemon spawns subdaemons dynamically as they are needed.

Integer 50
enable_policy_inactive 1 indicates that if there are too many failures to automatically load a database, TimesTen puts the database into a "policy inactive" mode. This is the default.

0 indicates that the RAM policy is one of Always, Manual or InUse.

For more information, see "Specifying a RAM policy" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

1 or 0 1
noserverlog Turns off logging of connects and disconnects from the client applications.

1 indicates logging is on.

0 indicates that logging is off.

1 or 0 1
replication_cipher_suite The cipher suite to be used in encrypting communications to and from the replication agent. This setting is required if you are using TLS for replication. String None
replication_wallet Specifies the path to the wallet directory—the directory where you placed the certificates that you generated. This setting is required if you are using TLS for replication. It is suggested, but not required, to use the same location and directory name on each TimesTen instance Pathname None
replication_ssl_mandatory Specifies whether it is mandatory to have consistent TLS configuration between TimesTen instances—specifically, whether TLS is configured through replication_cipher_suite and replication_wallet settings, and what cipher suite is specified. If there is a mismatch between the current instance and the replication peer, then TimesTen behavior is determined as follows

1 indicates that replication cannot proceed unless settings are the same on all instances.

0 indicates that TLS is not used for communication between replication agents.

1 or 0 1
noserverlog Turns off logging of connects and disconnects from the client applications.

1 indicates logging is on.

0 indicates that logging is off.

1 or 0 1
client_cipher_suites and server_cipher_suites Lists the cipher suite or suites that can be used.

These settings are required if you are using TLS for client server connections. You must set both settings. Set client_cipher_suites in the client timesten.conf file. Set server_cipher_suites in the server timesten.conf file

For TLS to be used, the server and client settings must include at least one common suite. For more information, see "Transport Layer Security for TimesTen Client/Server" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

String None
server_encryption Specifies whether encryption is required or not for a client server connection. For more information, see "Transport Layer Security for TimesTen Client/Server" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide. String Accepted
client_wallet and
Specifies the path to the wallet directory—the directory where you placed the certificates that you generated.

These settings are required if you are using TLS for client server connections. Both attributes must be set.

For more information, see "Transport Layer Security for TimesTen Client/Server" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

Pathname None
ssl_client_authentication Specifies whether TLS client authentication is required (setting of 1) or not (setting of 0, the default). With client authentication, the server validates an identity presented by the client, and requires an identity (public/private key) in the client wallet. Regardless of the client authentication setting, server authentication is performed, where the client validates the server. For more information, see Transport Layer Security for TimesTen Client/Server in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide. 1 or 0 1