Deploy the APM Java Agent

On successfully provisioning the APM Java agent, you can deploy the APM Java agent.

To deploy the APM Java agent on any Java application, you need to add the -javaagent parameter to the JVM startup script. Depending on the Java environment, an application server or a microservice, users may have shell or bat startup scripts, or another way to execute the Java command line.

See below examples on how to deploy the APM Java agent on the following Java applications:

Oracle WebLogic Server

Here's information on how to deploy the APM Java agent on the Oracle WebLogic Server.

  1. Set a variable to point to your application server destination directory. This is the directory in which the APM Java agent is provisioned.

    Set the $DOMAIN_HOME variable to point to the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain directory and confirm that the APM Java agent was provisioned in the same destination directory before you perform the next step.

    Application Server Destination Directory Variable Information
    Oracle WebLogic Server Set the $DOMAIN_HOME variable to point to the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain.
    export DOMAIN_HOME=<Oracle WebLogic Server Domain>
  2. Make a backup copy of the file:
    cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
  3. Use a text editor and edit the original script and add the -javaagent option.
    1. If you're deploying the APM Java agent on the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server and Managed Servers, then add the following -javaagent option to the set of JAVA_OPTIONS, after the call:
      JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -javaagent:$DOMAIN_HOME/oracle-apm-agent/bootstrap/ApmAgent.jar"
    2. If you're deploying the APM Java agent on Managed Servers only, then add the following -javaagent option to the set of JAVA_OPTIONS within an if statement after the call:
      if [ "$SERVER_NAME" != "AdminServer" ] ; then
              set JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -javaagent:$DOMAIN_HOME/oracle-apm-agent/bootstrap/ApmAgent.jar"
  4. Stop and restart the Oracle WebLogic Server:
    cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
    cd ..
    nohup ./ >& startup.log &

    If you have Managed Servers, stop and restart them too:

    cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
            nohup ./ {SERVER_NAME} {ADMIN_URL} >& {SERVER_NAME}.log &

    Notice that the $DOMAIN_HOME version of is used, even though you edited the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin version. Invoking the command from one level higher (from $DOMAIN_HOME) invokes the command from a lower level (from $DOMAIN_HOME/bin). However, the command will be called from the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory.

After the APM Java agent is successfully deployed, the Oracle APM Agent: Initialized AgentInstance message is displayed in the server startup log.

Apache Tomcat Server

Here's information on how to deploy the APM Java agent on the Apache Tomcat Server.

  1. Set a variable to point to your application server destination directory. This is the directory in which the APM Java agent is provisioned.

    Set the $CATALINA_HOME variable to point to the Apache Tomcat Server destination directory and confirm that the APM Java agent was provisioned in the same destination directory before you perform the next step.

    Application Server Destination Directory Variable Information
    Apache Tomcat Server Set the $CATALINA_HOME variable to point to the Apache Tomcat Server destination directory.
    • If you're using a Bash shell:
      export CATALINA_HOME=<Apache Tomcat Server destination directory>
    • If you're using a C shell:
      setenv CATALINA_HOME "<Apache Tomcat Server destination directory>"
  2. Make a backup copy of the file.
    $ cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin
    $ cp
  3. Use a text editor and edit the original file and add the following -javaagent option to CATALINA_OPTS. Make the change outside of any if statements or code blocks that may not be executed during server startup. This will ensure that the -javaagent flag is always added to the server startup options.
    CATALINA_OPTS="${CATALINA_OPTS} -javaagent:$CATALINA_HOME/oracle-apm-agent/bootstrap/ApmAgent.jar"
  4. Stop and restart the Apache Tomcat Server:
    $ cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin                      
    $ ./
    $ ./

After the APM Java agent is successfully deployed, the Oracle APM Agent: Initialized AgentInstance message is displayed in the server startup log.

For more information, see Install an APM Java Agent on a Tomcat Application Server Tutorial.

Jetty Server

Here's information on how to deploy the APM Java agent on the Jetty Server.

  1. Set a variable to point to your application server destination directory. This is the directory in which the APM Java agent is provisioned.

    Set the JETTY_HOME variable to point to the Jetty Server destination directory (where the Jetty software was extracted) and confirm that the APM Java agent was provisioned in the same destination directory before you perform the next step.

  2. Start the Jetty server.
    java -javaagent:/<Destination_Directory>/oracle-apm-agent/bootstrap/ApmAgent.jar -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar

After the APM Java agent is successfully deployed, the Oracle APM Agent: Initialized AgentInstance message is displayed in the server startup log.

Spring Boot

Here's information on how to deploy an APM Java agent on a Spring Boot microservice running embedded Apache Tomcat.

It's assumed that you've completed the prerequisite tasks and provisioned the APM Java agent. Also, you must ensure that you've added the following properties to the Spring Boot application's file to enable Apache Tomcat Mbeans:

Alternatively, add the above properties: spring.jmx.enabled and server.tomcat.mbeanregistry.enabled as system properties on the command line.

To deploy the APM Java agent, add the following -javaagent option to the startup script of your microservice. Note that <Destination Directory> denotes the directory in which you provisioned the agent.
java -javaagent:<Destination Directory>/oracle-apm-agent/bootstrap/ApmAgent.jar -jar target/<microservice.jar>

After the APM Java agent is successfully deployed, the Oracle APM Agent: Initialized AgentInstance message is displayed in the microservice startup log.

Docker and Kubernetes

Here's information on how to deploy an APM Java agent in a Docker container and Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE).

Deploy Application Performance Monitoring on Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes


In some cases, deploying an APM Java agent in a container image is not possible. For example, if the user who is deploying an agent does not have the required access or permissions to rebuild a container image. In those cases, the solution is to deploy it on a mounted volume.

For details on how to deploy an APM Java agent on a mounted volume, watch the video: Kubernetes Spring Boot Instrumentation for Distributed Tracing or check out the blog: Application Performance Monitoring: Instrument Java on Kubernetes for Monitoring and Diagnostics.

It's assumed that you've completed the prerequisite tasks and provisioned the APM Java agent. It's recommended that you provision the agent in any location on your local machine and then copy it to a Docker image.

  1. Modify your Dockerfile to copy the APM Java agent to a Docker image:
    COPY <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY>/oracle-apm-agent <Docker_Image_Directory>/oracle-apm-agent/

    Note that <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY> denotes the location on your local machine where you provisioned the APM Java agent and <Docker_Image_Directory> denotes the directory in the Docker image to which you're copying the APM Java agent. The <Docker_Image_Directory> could also be the application server destination directory in Docker, for example, $DOMAIN_HOME, if you're working with Oracle WebLogic Server.

  2. Add the following -javaagent option to the startup script of your application server:
    java -javaagent:<Docker_Image_Directory>/oracle-apm-agent/bootstrap/ApmAgent.jar -jar target/<appserver.jar>
  3. Build a new Docker image with the built-in APM Java agent and the modified startup script, and push the image to the registry.

If you use Kubernetes to manage your Docker containers, then update your Kubernetes configuration to use the new Docker image, and restart the Kubernetes pod.

Also, you can set additional dimensions to be reported from the Kubernetes pod using the Downward API, by copying the following environment and volume settings in the deployment specification (yaml file) of the Kubernetes pod. For information on the Downward API, see The Downward API in Kubernetes documentation.

Environment Settings

  - name: <container-name>
    image: image: <your-registry>/<your-docker-image>:latest
            fieldPath: metadata.namespace
            fieldPath: spec.nodeName

Volume Settings

  - name: <container-name>
    image: image: <your-registry>/<your-docker-image>:latest
      - name: apm-attributes-k8s
        mountPath: /etc/apm-attributes-k8s
      - name: apm-attributes-k8s
           - path: "labels"
               fieldPath: metadata.labels
           - path: "annotations"
               fieldPath: metadata.annotations

If the Kubernetes deployment does not have labels, annotations, or both, the Downward API for the same will cause an error when the application is deployed. In this case, you must remove the Downward API entry corresponding to metadata.labels, metadata.annotations, or both.

JBoss Server

Here's information on how to deploy the APM Java agent on the JBoss Server.

The below instructions are applicable for JBoss EAP and Wildfly.

  1. Set a variable to point to your application server destination directory. This is the directory in which the APM Java agent is provisioned.

    Set the $JBOSS_HOME variable to point to the JBoss Server destination directory and confirm that the APM Java agent was provisioned in the same destination directory before you perform the next step.

    Application Server Destination Directory Variable Information
    JBoss Server

    Set the $JBOSS_HOME variable to point to the JBoss Server destination directory.

    • If you're using a Bash shell:
      export JBOSS_HOME=<JBoss Server destination directory>
    • If you're using a C shell:
      setenv JBOSS_HOME "<JBoss Server destination directory>"
  2. Make a backup copy of the standalone.conf file:
    cd $JBOSS_HOME/bin
    cp standalone.conf standalone.conf.orig
  3. Use a text editor and edit the original standalone.conf file and add the following Java options to JAVA_OPTS. Make the change outside of any if statements or code blocks that may not be executed during server startup.
    • Add -javaagent option to JAVA_OPTS.
      JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:$JBOSS_HOME/oracle-apm-agent/bootstrap/ApmAgent.jar"
    • Edit Java property jboss.modules.system.pkgs to include "".

      For example:

      JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jboss.byteman,org.jboss.logmanager,"

      Each environment is different. The Jboss server's property may include different packages from what are shown in the above example.
  4. Stop and restart the JBoss Server:
    cd $JBOSS_HOME/bin                      
    ./ -c :shutdown                        
    nohup ./ -b> startup.log &

After the APM Java agent is successfully deployed, the Oracle APM Agent: Initialized AgentInstance message is displayed in the server startup log.