
class oci.database.models.CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Configure the time slot for applying VM cloud automation software updates to the cluster. When nothing is selected, the default time slot is 12 AM to 2 AM UTC. Any 2-hour slot is available starting at 12 AM.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference object with values from keyword arguments.


apply_update_preferred_end_time Gets the apply_update_preferred_end_time of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference.
apply_update_preferred_start_time Gets the apply_update_preferred_start_time of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference.

Initializes a new CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • apply_update_preferred_start_time (str) – The value to assign to the apply_update_preferred_start_time property of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference.
  • apply_update_preferred_end_time (str) – The value to assign to the apply_update_preferred_end_time property of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference.

Gets the apply_update_preferred_end_time of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference. End time for polling VM cloud automation software updates for the cluster. If the endTime is not specified, 2 AM UTC is used by default.

Returns:The apply_update_preferred_end_time of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference.
Return type:str

Gets the apply_update_preferred_start_time of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference. Start time for polling VM cloud automation software updates for the cluster. If the startTime is not specified, 12 AM UTC is used by default.

Returns:The apply_update_preferred_start_time of this CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference.
Return type:str