
class oci.monitoring.models.AlarmHistoryEntry(**kwargs)

Bases: object

An alarm history entry indicating a description of the entry and the time that the entry occurred. If the entry corresponds to a state transition, such as OK to Firing, then the entry also includes a transition timestamp.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new AlarmHistoryEntry object with values from keyword arguments.


alarm_summary [Required] Gets the alarm_summary of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
summary [Required] Gets the summary of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
timestamp [Required] Gets the timestamp of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
timestamp_triggered Gets the timestamp_triggered of this AlarmHistoryEntry.

Initializes a new AlarmHistoryEntry object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • alarm_summary (str) – The value to assign to the alarm_summary property of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
  • summary (str) – The value to assign to the summary property of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
  • timestamp (datetime) – The value to assign to the timestamp property of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
  • timestamp_triggered (datetime) – The value to assign to the timestamp_triggered property of this AlarmHistoryEntry.

[Required] Gets the alarm_summary of this AlarmHistoryEntry. Customizable alarm summary (alarmSummary alarm message parameter). Optionally include dynamic variables. The alarm summary appears within the body of the alarm message and in responses to list_alarms_status() get_alarm_history() and retrieve_dimension_states().

Returns:The alarm_summary of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the summary of this AlarmHistoryEntry. Description for this alarm history entry.

Example 1 - alarm state history entry: The alarm state is FIRING

Example 2 - alarm state transition history entry: State transitioned from OK to Firing

Returns:The summary of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the timestamp of this AlarmHistoryEntry. Timestamp for this alarm history entry. Format defined by RFC3339.

Example: 2023-02-01T01:02:29.600Z

Returns:The timestamp of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
Return type:datetime

Gets the timestamp_triggered of this AlarmHistoryEntry. Timestamp for the transition of the alarm state. For example, the time when the alarm transitioned from OK to Firing. Available for state transition entries only. Note: A three-minute lag for this value accounts for any late-arriving metrics.

Example: 2023-02-01T0:59:00.789Z

Returns:The timestamp_triggered of this AlarmHistoryEntry.
Return type:datetime