Viewing Activity

In the Recent Activity section, you can view the results of execution plans that have been run. You can view the start and end time of the execution plan, the duration of the run, the number of records processed, and the status of the run. Note that if you schedule multiple jobs in the same plan and more than one job includes a task that another job has already run, the execution will skip the task in subsequent jobs and will show as Skipped Duplicate in the execution plan results.

To view results of execution plans that have been run:

  1. Click recent activity plan activity icon or click recent execution plan activity icon.
  2. Expand the execution plan that you want to view by clicking the arrow to the left of the plan name. You can expand jobs within the plan to review the associated tasks.
  3. Optional: Click the filter bar and set filter options:
    • Timeframe––Enter the number days for which to show plan activity. For example, if you enter 2, then plan activity from the last 2 days is displayed.

    • Name––Select All or select execution plan names to include in the results.

    • Status––Select All or select execution plan statuses to include in the results. Plan statuses are Complete, Partial Failure, Failed, and Processing.


      The Status filter criteria only applies to execution plan status, not to job or task status.