Change Management Dashboard

The Change Management dashboard provides aggregated views of node and property changes that have occurred in the Oracle Data Relationship Management system over time. Metrics in this dashboard are based on committed requests and all interactive requests. Information displayed includes number of added, inserted, inactivated, moved, removed, and deleted nodes as well as property updates. Access to the Change Management dashboard is based on a user’s read access to versions. Users will see all hierarchies in a version as long as they have access to at least one hierarchy in the version. Data Managers can see all versions.

The Change Management dashboard provides a summary pane on the left side of the dashboard containing:

  • A breakdown of changes by change type displayed in a pie chart. Selecting a specific change type in the pie chart filters the list and chart views for that change type.

  • A breakdown of property updates by category displayed in a list. Only categories to which you have access are displayed. Property updates and removes are combined for this number. Version and hierarchy property changes are not tracked. Selecting a specific property category filters the list and chart views for that category.


    Because properties may exist in multiple categories, the number of changes per category may exceed the total number of property changes displayed.

  • The total number of node and property changes with a timestamp for when the data was last refreshed. This information is read only.

The right side of the dashboard displays change information based on selected filter options. Information can be displayed in either List View or Graph View. From the List View, you can click the bars or names to drill into the specific change. The Graph View displays the change distribution and trend with duration (as set by the timeframe filter) on the x axis and change count on the y axis.


Historical data before release does not have a node type set and will display as "Unknown".