Enriching Requests

Enrichment stages are used to update request items that were added during submission, to add request items for making local changes to the same nodes in different hierarchies, or to make changes to entirely different nodes that are related. An Enrichment stage can only have a single workflow task. If a request is claimed by a user for an Enrichment workflow stage, the request items can be edited based on the active workflow task assigned to the stage. If the active workflow task only permits the update of existing request items added by users in other workflow stages, the item details can be edited for all request items that are accessible based on the user’s workflow access rights to the data. If the active workflow task for the stage performs any other type of data change such as adding a new value or maintaining hierarchy relationship, new request items can be added to the request but request items added in previous stages cannot be modified.

After a request has been enriched, changes to the request should be saved and validated. In some cases, request items will have detail values that are calculated and cannot be edited. To view the calculated values based on the changes in the request, the request must be calculated.

To enrich a request:

  1. From the Worklist, open a claimed request.
  2. Add or update request items.
  3. Click save button.