Model Analysis Dashboard

The Model Analysis dashboard provides analysis of Oracle Data Relationship Governance workflow model design by providing historical performance of requests that are completed. Completed requests are requests that have been committed or rejected. Requests that are in process are not included in the analysis. The dashboard allows you to identify participant behavioral trends, request activity trends, resource workload, and time committed. Data Governance users have access to all requests to which they have commit access. Data Managers have access to all requests in the system. The dashboard provides the ability to drill back into Data Relationship Governance requests and to export to an .XLS format for further analysis.

The Model Analysis dashboard provides a summary pane on the left side of the dashboard containing:

  • The number of requests that fit the filter criteria

  • A breakdown of requests by due status. Requests in the pie chart are organized into three groups:

    • Requests with no due date

    • Requests that completed on time

    • Requests that were overdue when completed

  • Cycle time ––Average time it took for the requests to complete

  • Participants––Average number of users who participated in the requests