Viewing Request Metrics

To view request metrics:

  1. From Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics, select Request.
  2. Click the filter bar and set filter options:


    Filter options are derived from the in-flight requests in the system.

    • Model––Select individual models or select All.

      Only models to which you are related are displayed.

    • Access Group––Select individual access groups or select All.

    • Version––Select individual versions or select All.

    • Submitter––Select individual submitters or select All.

    • Start Date––Enter a start date. This is the request submit date.

    • End Date––Enter an end date.

  3. Click Apply.


    Click filter save button to save the current filter settings, reset to default saved filter settings, or clear the current filter selections.

  4. Set how you want to view metrics in the Request Monitoring dashboard:
    • graph view Graph View––You can view requests by model or user group. Click Model or User Group, then click on a model or user group to drill into it. Click on a model to display the breakdown of counts by stage. All stages of the model are displayed even if there are no requests in that stage. Click on a user group name to drill into the user chart which displays the breakdown of counts by user name.

    • scatter graph view Scatter Graph View––You can view requests by model or user group. Click Model or User Group, then click on a model or user group to drill into it. The x-axis of the chart displays the relative due date for each request. A number greater than 0 indicates that the request is overdue. A number less than 0 indicates the number of days in which the request will be due. The y-axis is the actual age of the request since request submission. Click on a request on the chart to drill into additional request metadata and details and to be able to drill back into the Oracle Data Relationship Governance request.

    • list view List View––You can view requests in a list with the ability to sort, reorder, and select columns to display.

      • To view additional request metadata and be able to drill back into the Data Relationship Governance request, click on a request ID and then click drillback button.

      • To detach the table of requests to make it larger and easier to use, click detach button or click View and then Detach.

      • To filter columns using query by example, click query by example button or click View and then Query by Example.

      • To set up columns:

        1. Click View and then Columns.

        2. Select from these options to set up columns:

          • Show All––To display all columns in the view.

          • Select or deselect columns for the view.

          • Manage Columns––Move columns from the Hidden Columns list to the Visible Columns list, and then click OK.

      • To reorder columns:

        1. Click View and then Reorder Columns.

        2. Select one or more columns and then use the up and down arrows to move the columns to the new location.

        3. Click OK.

      • To export the list view results in .XLS format, click export to excel button and save the file.