Working With Profile Rules

Profile Rules affect the behavior of reconciliations. These rules enable users to assign rules directly to Profiles/Reconciliations. These rules apply to the reconciliations for which the rules were configured.

Rules only evaluate transaction conditions if the accompanying reconciliations already exist.

Rules assigned to the profile's format appears in read-only format.

  • Auto Approve Reconciliation—Automatically completes specified approvals only if specified conditions have been met.

    Examples of conditions that could apply to this rule include:

    • If the balance is outside a specified range

    • If the balance fluctuates more than a specified amount or percentage from some prior period

    • If the prior reconciliation has transactions or other conditions meeting specified criteria

    • If attributes have specified values (including calculated attributes)

    When conditions have been satisfied, the rule causes the specified reviewer levels to be marked as complete, thus progressing workflow to the next review level, or to Closed if no additional review levels exist.

    This rule runs when the reconciliation status changes to Open with Reviewer.

    Rerun of this rule is allowed.

  • Auto Submit Reconciliation—Automatically submits a reconciliation if specified conditions are met.

    Examples of conditions that could apply to this rule:

    • The balance is outside a specified range.

    • The balance fluctuates more than a specified amount or percentage from some prior period.

    • The prior reconciliation has transactions or other conditions meeting specified criteria.

    • Attributes have specified values (including calculated attributes)

    When conditions are satisfied, the specified reviewer levels are marked complete, and workflow progresses to the next review level, or the workflow is closed if no additional review levels exist.


    This rule is not the same as the existing auto-reconciliation functions, which always advance the workflow status to Closed. The Auto Submit rule is an optional way for users to automate preparation while still invoking a manual review.

    This rule runs when the reconciliation status changes from Pending to Open with Preparer

    Rerun of this rule is allowed.

  • Prevent Reconciliation Approval—This rule prevents approval of a reconciliation based on attribute values, or other characteristics. This rule runs when the Approver clicks Approve.

  • Prevent Reconciliation Submission—This rule prevents submission of a reconciliation based on attribute values, or other characteristics. This rule runs when the Preparer clicks Submit.

  • Require Reconciliation Attachment—This rule prevents submission of a reconciliation if an attachment was not added to the main attachments section of the reconciliation; conditions may be established based on attribute values, or other characteristics that specify when the attachment is required. This rule runs when the Preparer clicks Submit.

  • Prevent Rejection—This rule prevents rejection by a reviewer under certain conditions. This rules runs when a Reviewer click Reject.
  • Send Email on Update—This rule sends emails when a reconciliation is saved based on certain conditions being met. This rule runs when a preparer clicks Save.


    This rule is designed to be run when a user takes an action on a reconciliation such as setting attributes, not for actions on the reconciliation that happen outside the Actions dialog such as resetting dates.



Displays LockedLocked icon. if the Rule was inherited from the Format


The successful execution of a rule may prevent a later rule from never being invoked. For example, if a customer assigns an auto reconciliation rule to a reconciliation, and the auto reconciliation succeeds, then a rule tied to the Submit function would never be invoked. See Order of Precedence Rules for Account Reconciliation

Set Attribute Value

Sets an attribute value to a specified value, before a profile is copied to the period, established on the rule definition. This rule enables rules to be configured for standard attributes.

Example: Set the Preparer Duration based on the period frequency. The rule configuration supports when to set the value: Before profile is copied to the period.

To work with profiles rules:

  1. Message (on sum rules):
    • Message to Preparer–Define an optional message to preparer on the prevent reconciliation submission rule and require reconciliation attachment rules.

    • Message to Reviewer—Define an optional message to preparer on the prevent reconciliation approval rule.

  2. On Profiles, double-click a profile.
  3. To create, edit, duplicate, delete, or reorder a rule, on the Rules tab, click the appropriate button and, if necessary, update:
    • Rule—Select a rule.

    • Description—Optional. Explain why you configured the rule and how the rule should be used.

    • Message(on sum rules):

      • Message to Preparer—Define an optional message to preparer on the prevent reconciliation submission rule and require reconciliation attachment rules.

      • Message to Reviewer—Define an optional message to preparer on the prevent reconciliation approval rule.

    • Reviewer Level—Select "All Levels" to apply the rule to all reviewer levels or select specific reviewer levels individually. At least one reviewer level must be selected.

    • Select Create Filter and populate the conditions section or select Use Saved Filter, and then select a filter. The filter selected and configured for the rule determines the conditions that trigger the rule to apply.

    • Conditions—

      • If Use Saved Filter is selected, the Conditions section displays a read-only version of the conditions associated with the saved filter.

      • If Create Filter is selected, the Condition section is enabled.

        Conjunction, Source, Attribute, Operand, and Value behave as they do for the existing advanced filter feature. When creating filters, you can use these attributes:

        • Any Reconciliation or Transaction attribute, including calculated attributes that are classified as Reconciliation and Transaction attributes

        • Period Frequency