Creating Annotations

Annotations can be attached to report, text, chart, image, and grid (including formula cells) objects, and they can reference full or partial POVs.

To create an annotation:

  1. From the Explore Repository, right-click a report, then select Open In, and then HTML Preview.
  2. With the HTML preview displayed, select View, and then Show Annotations.
  3. Click New Annotation.
  4. In the New Annotation dialog box, enter information about the annotation in the following tabs:
    • Annotation

      1. Enter a Title and a Description for the annotation.

        You can format the description text by specifying bullets, numbering, indentation, color, justification, undo, and redo.

      2. Select an option to define the Category.

      3. Select Enable Editing to allow users with the correct permissions to edit the annotation.

        If Enable Editing is selected when it is created, users cannot reply to that annotation. See Editing Annotations.

      4. Select Enable Context Changes to allow users with the correct permissions to change annotation context.

    • Context

      Select an object, and then select the dimensions that you want to include in the annotation. To select members for a dimension, click the dimension name.

      Object information can be a data source or any object on the report. For example:

      • Data Source—The annotation is attached to any Financial Reporting report using the specified data source.

      • Grid, Data source—The annotation is attached to the specified grid and data source.

      • Text, Chart, or Grid—The annotation is attached the specified object with no dimensions on the object.

    • Attachments

      Link attachments to an annotation. Click the File icon to attach a document that is located on your computer, click the Report icon to attach a document from the repository, or click the URL icon to select a link to a website.

  5. Click OK.

    An Annotation icon is displayed in the report.