Refreshing Running Tasks

When you load multiple or large data or intercompany transaction files, the task may not be displayed immediately in the Running Tasks module. When you open Running Tasks, if a delay occurs in the file transfer for a data or intercompany load, the system displays a message to wait, and the screen automatically refreshes and displays the task. By default, the system automatically refreshes the Running Tasks screen in 5-second intervals and performs the automatic refresh process a maximum of 120 times. If no running task is found after 120 times, the refresh cycle stops, and you must do a manual refresh. The refresh cycle continues until all of the running tasks are completed.


If you are the Financial Management System Administrator, you can configure Default Refresh Count and Default Refresh Interval See Changing Configuration Settings.

To refresh the Running Task list:

  1. From the task list, click Refresh, or select Actions, and then Refresh.
  2. From the drop-down list, select a refresh mode:
    • Default

    • Manual

    • 5 seconds

    • 10 seconds

    • 15 seconds

    • 30 seconds

    • 60 seconds


The refresh mode setting is retained the next time that you log on to the application.