Impact of Essbase 21c on EPM 11.2.15

Installation and Configuration Changes

  • Oracle Essbase 21c is embedded with EPM 11.2.15.

  • Ensure that there is at least three times as much free space as the total size of the Essbase cube in your temp directory when upgrading from Release 11.1.2.x to Release 11.2.15. For example, if the data size of the Essbase cube is, for example, 10 GB, then there must be 3 * 10 (30 GB) of space available in your temp directory.

    This space will be cleaned up after the upgrade process and is only used for temporary purposes.

  • All Essbase components can be configured using the EPM configurator, or you can choose which Essbase/EAS/APS components are needed. However, adding individual Essbase components to the same server after the initial configuration is not supported.

  • If you are using Windows 2016, see the post-configuration information under the Oracle Hyperion Technology section in the Known Issues in 11.2.15 topic to enable support for Windows 2016 on Oracle Essbase 21c embedded with EPM 11.2.15.

  • Essbase 21c supports only Unicode applications. All the newly created Essbase applications are Unicode by default. You can still create non-Unicode apps with CAPI, JAPI, MAXL, and EAS.

  • The requirement for HPCM or APS to be deployed on the same host is no longer applicable.

  • Change in the default value of Esslang, the Essbase environment variable that defines the encoding used to interpret text characters. The only supported ESSLANG value is .UTF-8@Binary.

  • Updates to Essbase Ports: see Essbase Ports.
  • Changes to the Essbase 21c install and deployment location: see Essbase Install and Deployment Location.
  • Changes to Essbase Client URLs: see Essbase URLs.
  • Changes to Essbase logs location: see Essbase logs.
  • Changes to Essbase Configuration Settings: see Configure Essbase Server.
  • Essbase 21c System Requirements for Linux: See System Requirements for Linux.

Essbase Administration Services Lite Changes

  • Essbase Administration Services (EAS) is replaced with Essbase Administration Services (EAS) Lite in Essbase 21c. See Using Essbase Administration Services (EAS) Lite for more details.

  • Every Essbase 21c instance comes with its own EAS instance. You can choose one of the EAS instances to manage all the Essbase instances.

  • Several MaxL statements related to user/group administration are deprecated. See History of Removed Features.

  • Essbase filter assignment through Shared Services is no longer supported.

  • When upgrading to EPM 11.2.15, the APS read-only cluster definitions (domain.db file) is not moved from Essbase 11g to Essbase 21c.

  • With Essbase Administration Services lite, provider services configuration is no longer supported. Alternatively, APS read-only clusters, which are ineligible for configuration through Essbase Adiminstration Services in, can be set up using newly provided scripts. See Access multiple Essbase servers for more details.

Start and Stop Changes

  • Changes to Essbase start and stop scripts: see Essbase Server

  • Essbase 21c does not support Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server(OPMN).

High Availability and SSL Configuration Changes

  • Essbase 21c removes the limitation of the maximum of 2 nodes per cluster.

  • SSL for Essbase 21c Configuration procedure has changed. See SSL for Essbase 21c for more information.

  • The Join Cluster Button is disabled in Essbase Configuration tool. Essbase HA Configuration has changed.

  • Essbase 21c uses a central request leasing system to manage Essbase failover.

Essbase 21c Client Installer Changes

Essbase 21c Client Installer, which includes the MaxL client, Runtime Client (RTC), Java APIs (JAPI), and complete client libraries, are downloadable through Essbase Web Interface. See Downloading Essbase 21c Clients for more information.

Essbase 21c Information Sources