ASO Dimension and Member Properties

The properties for the ASO dimension and member properties displayed in Table 3-2 are pulled automatically into Oracle Essbase during deployment. No manual actions are required to align these properties with the Master Essbase Application.

Table 3-2 Profitability and Cost Management ASO Dimension and Member Properties

Property Label Property Name Description
Alias Alias The alias is the dimension member name that is displayed in a deployed application. Any member aliases are displayed, except for the Root Member.
Comment Comment A comment may be entered for the dimension or member. Comments can contain up to 255 characters. By default, this text box displays the current comment, if one exists.
Consolidation Consolidation Member consolidation properties determine how children roll up into their parents.

If the current member is not a dimension or an attribute, one of the following consolidation operators is assigned to the member:

  • + (addition) - Default

  • - (subtraction)

  • * (multiplication)

  • / (division)

  • % (percent)

  • ~ (ignore during consolidation)

  • ^ (never consolidate)

  • NotUsed

Note: Some restrictions exist regarding the use of consolidation operators in aggregate storage outlines (ASO). See the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

Data Storage(ASO)
  • ASODimensionDataStorage (for dimension root member)

  • ASOMemberDataStorage (for dimension members)

The ASO storage options that are available for dimensions and members:
  • StoreData—Data is stored with the dimension.

  • ShareData—Data associated with this member can be shared. The ShareData property applies to the member only. The Dimension Root Member cannot be shared.

  • NeverShare—Data associated with this dimension cannot be shared, even if there is an implied share relationship, such as with a parent with one child. In this case, the data is duplicated in the parent and child.

    Note: This option does not apply to stored hierarchies in aggregate storage outlines.

  • LabelOnly—No data is associated with this dimension.

Dimension Formula(ASO) ASODimensionFormula (for dimension root member) The calculation formula that is applied to the dimension.
Dimension Solve Order DimensionSolveOrder The numeric value in the solution sequence for selected dimensions. For example, if this dimension is to be solved second, enter "2."
Hierarchy Type

(Dimensions Only)


The Hierarchy Type property applies only to Aggregate Storage (ASO) databases in Essbase.

The type of hierarchy for the dimension is set to one of the following values:

  • STORED - for any dimension members that use the following consolidation symbols:


    • ~ IGNORE

      Note: The no-consolidation or IGNORE (~) operator can only be used in a STORED hierarchy if the member's parent is set to LABEL_ONLY

  • DYNAMIC - for dimension members that use any consolidation symbol, including ADDITION and IGNORE, or if the dimension member contains a formula.

  • ENABLED - to support alternate hierarchies

Hierarchy Type

(Members Only)

HierarchyType The type of hierarchy available for the member:
  • Stored (For first Gen2 child)

  • Dynamic (For Second Gen2 child onwards. The Second Gen2 member can host the alternate hierarchies)

  • None (Do Not Use)

Member Formula(ASO) ASOMemberFormula The calculation formula that is applied to the member.
Member Solve Order

(Members Only)

MemberSolveOrder Enter the numeric value in the solution sequence for selected member. For example, if this member is to be solved second, enter "2."

This property applies to ASO databases only.

Members that have a solve order of 0 inherit the solve order of their dimension.

Members with the same solve order are evaluated in the order in which their dimensions appear in the database outline, unless otherwise specified by the dimension sort order property.

Members with no solve order are evaluated after members with a solve order.